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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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Humanity peaked
Fun Fact: Back in the Vietnam war, Vietnamese farmers use the metal from the wreck of shot down US aircraft and made them into household items like pot, pan, cups, chairs,...
I hope I am 10$ richer now
Not in the woods....
Whole Foods staff are tired of your bullsh*t
Skeletor is an icon
Smooth brains, full Facebook feeds, cant lose!
The Great Jahy is a cutie
Luke Sidewalker
It wasn't a good thing
Atlast we meet again
I'll be your imouto-chan
I like what I like ok
I have contracted the stupid
Geese are mean
New on NBC, CIA santcioned Crack dealers.
cops hate him
Larry Tesler, inventor of the cut, copy, and paste commands, dies at 74.
Biggus Dickus is back
Is this why I pay taxes? To see half effort flips?
I wont give up on you
It took a total of 18 employees each working a full day just to count.
Weirdest part is apparently that's official art. (then again Japan and Germany are old friends)
Oh no, the 12 year olds are taking over
Only Prius driver I respect.
Great, now the Americans are here and are loading their shotguns with what can only be described as malicious intent
Taking orders
Don’t lose your head
Insert Starwars joke here.
Poland is invaded and partitioned by the joint forces of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and the Imperium of Gay, 1939. 80 years later, Poles still remember the atrocities #NeverForget
Tip:Don't depend on critics to watch a movie
Tom Daley practicing for his next event, the 10m Diving and Knitting gold medal dive
Big bren moment
If this ruined you day, I'm not sorry
Stealth go Brrrrrr
The Best Way
Sexy toys > sex toys
First few eps plot felt like Pacific rim movie, then it hit a cluster of love triangles.
Tell me how that Air Con was working again Ben?
Ah yes, siege
No children were harmed in the making of this meme
are you sure, Dad
He has such a way with words...
Feel the feelings
How do I know this, my Polish mom and dad hated the Soviet Union
I'm scared of x+2=4
When you support too much
What does it mean???
Can 100%relate haha
Victory for the meme boi!
Thats not my personal opinion just things that I noticed :)
I dream ads now
Micheal from Vsauce retweeted this.
Not an extinguisher
Babies are gonna love this product. Maybe it'll make them eat faster too
I can proudly say i have a body of an olympic swimmer
Finally, pattable stray cat
Many Hats
Looking at you, Arararagi-kun
facial hair science
funny now things turn out
Just admiring the collection.
Angry Pooh face
it paid off
I think Asians get hate because of their complicated names.
Just don’t lose your head
And then his name is "Browning"
perks of globalization
Planning committee for the Olympic closing ceremonies
If only that would happen.
Kobeni is on the menu
can't get enough
Daily Speedwagon Meme #1 / 7 : Nino loves a badass blonde
I normally don’t care if rich people get more rich but I like when Disney gets less rich.
Is this template already dead?
That's the neat part
Good times
There's only one way to defend the seafront!
Some would say it looks cheap
The ADHD is strong with this one.
I am lucky to have a Korean mother, otherwise I would be so dirty.
Weird how many people found their true calling during the prohibition.
How does he stop?
Not as lewd as sleeping in the same bed
pro tip: your 300 IQ strategies don't work against people that are actively trying to cause as much chaos as possible.
GI Hoes
'You think you can just poison my milkshake or hand me explosive cigars?! Think CIA, think!'
Was soll das heißen, jeder spricht eine andere Sprache?
I feel for him now
spanish people
Found this in an old family photo album
Not a tank, but still - and only the front four carried water
Time to teach you a valuable history lesson son......
Delete history
Seen in rural Indiana yesterday…