If they knew the war would end up claiming 700,000 American lives maybe things could’ve been different

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The brother is a saint
Only one rule you need to follow
'Cultural victory? Oh Nehru, you should know by now that we never go for that one'
smart man
No literally. How did you stretch it out be 5 times the length it should have been?
how can he keep this up!?!?!?
he needs some milk
German without a sense of humor is like a fish without a bicycle
Linkedin army please don't kill me.
Boo hoo you lost some ships and sailors
The office worker Bill Jennings turns off his computer, although a Windows update is running.
The rebellion is a Nobel cause
***ing stupid
My students are always unpleasantly surprised when we get to the spread of Islam into Africa in the 7th Century A.D.
Now they will worship me
Heheh got him
Secret Agent Zuckerberg
Science Teachers Playground Duty
Or a hentai weeb
absolute lmao
I bet that was an interesting match .
I found this calculation on my home’s construction materials and I gotta say, I’m a little concerned.
Yo he matters too
That's... Why I'm here
the withered
anon is a chad
There is hope
At the end of the day, what matters is that everyone tried their best
Clones are here
What a fun childhood
With a russian-related username
Would you like fries, daddy?
tips #68
Look who's laughing now .....
What’s left?
I just cant resist it
Dragon Ball Z fans
My daughter likes to draw, I think she's quite good. She named him Spontrick
Mappa details are insane
Yet we still do it anyway
I declare bankruptcy!!!
Can't draw for shit, I know robotics though!
My dearest opponent
'Alex, you're just jealous because I'm gonna be president. Yeh, I said it, I went there!'
There’s definitely gonna be a fight
You better bring boats with you when invading the Netherlands. Spain and France did not
Best actor ever
Average Soda Fan vs average holy quadrinity enjoyer
Sean Lock's obituary wishes come true in the West Australian today
'Keep it cool, Salvsdor. Let's not draw any unnecessary attention to ourselves'
She better just be on drugs
like father like son
'Well Rudolf, it's fair to say that our sessions are never boring'
Do it for Earth-chan
The Finnish High Command decides to use the loneliness of Soviet soldiers to make them question their allegiance, circa 1939
onlyfans has decided its own fate
Hajime is a chad
time for a new gig
The 4th dose
I am a cat-owner
Some *** moment
One's cute, the other isn't.
Haha hat go brrrrr
Thank you, very cool!
Band back together
get 360 no scoped nerd
I swear, this anime is a meme goldmine.
For all the dads out there.
Softcore porn LOL
Electricity looks cool
Reverse cow girl or whatever I don’t be having sex
I want to know the full story
still waiting for Cumrocket to reach Bitcoins value
Don’t blink… ***…. Wait what?!?!?!
Workforce shortage about to sort itself October 1st
This is how artificial evolution looks
Albus Pervert Wol*** Brian Dumbledoody
Too true 4 me
Dad, please.
Funny sticker I spotted earlier
John Cena after spending too much time in the sun.
Maybe we can live in peace now.. Maybe it's ovee
I present to you, EA's next gen Controller
dam pilaf you really messed up
Make sure to stretch before combat.
Thanks for the good times... See you in a bit.
Friends having fun!!
Oof, that’s a lotta damage
I have a wonderful dog.
No Porn Apps Allowed…
Say one sentence that would trigger someone in any fanbase
Fun fact its actually national potato day.
When someone makes a “US funded the Taliban” meme.