"Wanna go walk around the first weekend on campus in 90+ degree weather dressed as bananas?" " You had me at Banana."

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You know it's hard when it's hard to push
2021 first day school pics.
This good boy acts better than 95 percent of people who attend professional sporting events.
It's the last day of pear season
Childhood memories
Found in a rest area bathroom stall along I-5. More uplifting than your average bathroom graffiti.
Purposal tips...
is it
My camera is up here!
Today was rough
Big brain moves
Classic car, only 3 owners, Fred Flintstone, Elizabeth II, and myself.
My friends got married. Did NOT know they were taking a photo in the window and photobombed the pic.
Draconis, et Jesus
so insensitive
And then it was time to push out some Genoans out of Venice
Can't wait for the 20 year version
Well It's the truth
I genuinely think Hulk is overrated
The quality has been going way down
Fair deal, right?
Stinks of weak people
Is a catgirl's daughter called a kittengirl?
Can I offer you some milk of the poppy in this trying time?
See you all in February 22nd, 2022!
From Russia with love, since 1891
Covid is a few centuries old
This fortune I got from a fortune cookie
let the naming begin
Made a shortcut on my friends phone so whenever he says "Hey" it says "go *** yourself"
This pizza review. Good 4 Jimothy!
Evet bu bir caps
Found a lost credit card today, got Rick Rolled.
If you get this meme youre a legend
... once you see it, you can never unsee it.
Surely he won't defeat us THIS time
Our heros
The King acknowledges this amazing achievement of British ingenuity, Mr. Bell.
How are you doing? You alright?
Nerd memes
It's funny coz they are
tora tora tora
the funniest place
By the time they’re 3
i hate bystanders that do nothing
Do I need a rtx brain ?
These house prices are getting out of hand.
Like they are the same...
No sir, you are not high
Kinda obvious, but still not...
I personally would choose Virgo
A dogs life…
Give it a try
Twitter is founded
Remember, kids; if you fail your exams, declare yourself to be the brother of Jesus and launch one of the deadliest wars in history
Guys will understand August in Florida
I pray everyday
Thank you, you are a good man
still best girl imo
Plato and Aristotle were all the rage in caliphate
Cause that’s what heroes do
Oh it's freaking beautiful, so beautiful.
So this is what IKEA use to put there store together
I wear socks and say "No homo"
Pp pov
smart move
that's the joke
Hurricane Henri warning in Boston, MA
orange you glad i didn't say banana
finland keeps violating human rights
to not get distracted and face the void
So it's a thing now ??
he's just copying the kingcobrajfs style
amongus reference B)
Math problem of the day
What's so special about the word same?
deus runner 2077
Visual Confusion
and I somehow always laugh at it because it is so random
Looking at you, Vsauce, Exurb1a, Lemmino, Fortnine, Michael Reeves, idubbbz, Internet Historian, William Osman, Sciencephile, Mustard...
Just give me the option
Wich one
Have a good day.... Or else!
Brings tears to my eyes
'But guys, look on the bright side. We get to make a seventh coalition! That's fun, right?'
Call of Duty - Talibanistan
Well we never know
Surprised me a little
All my teammates hate me :(
Still searching...