A reminder from the Mod team that these overused memes are banned! Be creative and keep the original memes coming!

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It's finally happening bois
That's cruel
A friend of me got a new tattoo. I'm dying
How can they do this
We want Tobey
Trust me, lobotomies will go down in history as 'big brain moves'
With "random" we mean "randomly chosen from our bag of one dimensional stereotypes"
You know it's a rough neighborhood when..
Is that Kirua?
Hindenburg gender reveal
poor dog
I remembered my password
Birth of dinosaurs
The Russians had big brain
Looks like Napoleons weirdest defeat wasn’t on the battlefield
The rest of the rhyme that Spain didn't want you to know
i like this
[WARNING: This post does not meet community standards]
Nothing like being passive aggressive behind a computer screen
sad læða
I can relate
Found this gem on Glassdoor
See the inflatable palm?
Pain and fart is what make us laugh
Wonder how Bri'ain is doing
Adolphe Thiers, the Secretary of State, who made the demands even resigned afterwards
My kids’ favorite bath toy
“I want every 20mm Oerlikon Guns available in United States to be mounted on this ship!” LT CMDR Elias B Mott USS Enterprise’s Gunnery Officer when he write the After Action Report
Salima Mazari is a true hero
Music in games are important
I'd do anything for my doggo
I feel old.
family moments are the best
Well this is a strange way to start my morning.
Ah sure no ones as expendable
I laughed a little too hard..
Their biggest mistakes
They are not wrong
Poor Marjorie....
Making a meme of every country's history day 186: Northern Ireland
New & Improved
Just work at Hooters its basically the same thing
There's a serial killer in our midst
Live laugh love
A little bit of 'yellow journalism' never hurt anyone
Robo wars
Tanks in Old WW2 Movies
He scary tho
British colonialism go brr
I see mine now, how about you?
Stupidity level 100
You gotta watch out for those Americans; I heard they have boats... with guns...
don't shy
For anyone who says they aren't here's proof
We live long enough to achieve this kind of possibilities
My dms are gonna get bombed
Brother was looking for a house in Seattle, found one that was perfect, but the rent was a little too good so he asked for proof of ownership and received this in return… Looks legit to us!
Thank you for all you do for our country... *salutes*
Ni Ni
They did have early victories tho
Somewhere in the multiverse
Fashion is a matter of historical perspective
Proud to be a GGNAT
Rock Paper Scissors World Championships. Wembley Stadium. July 13, 1985.
Weekly Contest #124- The Tudors
Le French otter, no mess with!
Good to have you back old man
Yeah, this is the river river
I know this may shock some of you but I for one am not afraid to make fun of Americans on the internet.
Self-destruct mode activated.
Blue collar pride
ALL . Of. Them.
Getting cloudy
the way 4 languages across the globe did this is kinda awesome
This is why some people become transhumanists
There are perks to numbering rooms
That way it has a purpose
Kim Kardashian at the gynecologist. 2015.
Are you a confusion?
It's cool but don't fück up
Baka sandwich
Too obscure?
My P.E teacher is so cute
A German soldier sends a last letter to his wife before Russians overrun Berlin, circa 1945 colorized,
50 shades of cuteness
Respect the Hustle
1993 Al Gore dedicates his newest hit single to his homie Bill Clinton.
Upgrade, upgrade, f--k go back!
She's still packing. We'll be gone for one night.
The German langauge, everyone.
Never underestimate the power of Ñ.