she said she wasn’t on the her period, but she was lion

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It was a dark times back then. Still is now...
Sora Amamiya Evolutions
you wrong about gravity, gravity go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Truck-kun is very helpful
New memory unlocked
Get memed on
Buh dum tss
Gotta make sure there's evidence
I'm guessing most people know this, but....
You either die a hero, or live long enough to fall from prominence and end up getting screwed over by Macedon
इंडियन रेलवेज़ आपका स्वागत करती है
Oh nooooooooooooooooooo...
The American rickvolution
US soldiers & Soviet soldiers meets at Torgau, april 1945
A Swedish soldier looks out for Russian troop movements during the siege of Riga. Latvia, 1709
Let’s go boys she alone
Felt super awkward When i see this
They commit
Things in piano sheet music that look like insults
Grapes = cancer
Scary elephant man was probably a golden brown
Jeff Bezos battles Elon Musk for drone ship technology. 2014.
New template check
gg ez
And finally, you are going to look at this
What's a title?
All I got to say about this meme
638 attempts, that is impressive
The entrance to my local Basspro shops
Germany did not start ww1 change my mind
Genya Ravan looks a LOT like Jimmy Fallon in a wig. Album released in 1978.
This collection of air guitars
I think I should be dead lol
For different reasons
In a brief lapse in judgement, I asked what’s the difference between left and right tampons were.
Bug or feature?
I want to be a doctor when I grow up
The British did not think this through
Homeowner unhappy with how neighbor cut branches that were hanging over their property
Nevermind - King of the Hill style
What do you mean I have to talk to people?
"It was a cold war because nothing happened!"
always the boys
*cough cough cough* Belgium and the Netherlands
I'm starting to think he lied on his résumé about being a guard dog.
Whooh ohh!
Don’t do it Shadow!!!
i have absolutely no flirting skills
I am the chaddest of chad
People dunk on the Aztecs a lot while ignoring the fact that Rome did a lot of equally heinous shit.
Give me plant
Questions even science can't answer
It's all very overwhelming! I mean, other perfectly good cities are available
Well you have to take what you can get.......
someone mention him
My wife took a picture of me taking a selfie. It was only later that we saw the interesting fold in my pants.
Wait, you weren't supposed to do that!
I’ll allow it.
A Sèntẹncé
Daughter was told to write about something she likes.'re welcome
Mfw some tribes from the desert steal half my empire
Look at my comment
Beyond part 1 to 4 check my profile for part 2,3 and 4
Chiang Kai Shek and the KMT did their best during the war
Stack them higher
My nephew got a 100 on his spilling test.
That Seven Days Battle didn’t go so well for ol’ George.
I can never get those captchas right. Maybe I am a robot?
I guess my copy of Night Shift is kind of old.
Always the British
Harry Truman is looking forward to Disney's new film on the 'Domino Effect'
Next time be moe specific
Its the same with zoom and meet
Doc Ock: Origin
Subs Mmmm
my phone created a "good eats" album and it included my dog wrapped in a tortilla blanket
Turn back time, to the good ol' days
Where's my money at?
This is reality, I am nervous, but she did ask me on a one-on-one dinner last week, so idk what to think
This is Jeopardy!
You learn history in order to not repeat it. I learn history for weird stuff like this.
Nice gun
Yeah, I guess so..
"I am the Watcher"
Ethiopia does have a long and interesting history.
Grammy winner
The wounded can’t be treated if there’s no one to treat them
Hehe nice
Can’t remember the exact century tho
high art
New mustang tail lights.
ignorance is bliss
Closing up shop. A member of our away team left a message for the next tenants.
What is she?