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love memes, hate u all u fkn fkrs
gon be posting shit as god wills it
ps its not a phase mom

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So what do you play.
Mustartd brace!1!
NVIDIA Rtx 9080 ti
Enjoy knowing this now!
It took a lifetime to accomplish
The employee handbook at my work.
Carrier Pigeon
my fellow virgins where u at
It´s still sunday on my country >:(
I bet no one will answer
Rape momma
Help me please! I am dealing with her for 2 years now
Russians playing Minecraft before it was cool
money be good
***ing 3rd world countries have a faster internet connection
Political meme alert!!!
Where do we go when this site crashes?
Got you password there? Do state it
hint : he says "LETS-A-GO".
Winter is superior.
Joseph Stalin unlocks the golden skin after throwing 10 million people into Gulag
when P.N.C hits
as a girl, can confirm
The Good Ones.
pro move
Germain JoJo ep 6 is best!
Pretty accurate to me.
Where gun?
Caring parent
No idea if this is a thing
Makes sense ..
I am a Karen Whisperer
What a champ right
I'm not ready.
What a weird trilogy
Meanwhile 4 years old slave who just drunk his first bottle of alcohol
Honest Job Interview
Urine Danger
It’s fun
She said "we don't need a cart, I'm just getting one thing". Nothing in her hands is that one thing..
Hungarian here
Jesus failed to take the wheel
Yard sale find. The guy had no idea what he had.
Bet you don’t know
Deel with it
She's alright, she's alright she's alright....... propane
Sat under the table as a joke. Pup thought I was in trouble and came to comfort me.
Imperial guard arrests innocent redguard
This is an actual product
They’re quite the same
My new tattoo - Judge Judy :)
Oh Scottie Pippen looks like Chester Cheetah
I love The Suicide Squad
What else you are hiding?
Hmm yes cancel a language
furries, scalies, and bugsies? buggies? bugphiles? buggers?
Cool plan!
Today I learnt
Where are my fellow men of culture
Clumsy Hydra
Swiss Army Man prepares for battle,
Subtle PW
You know you want it
First image of unearthed statues from China's Terracotta Army, 1974
Smells like tacos
The Yogis being marched to the gas chambers. Circa 1942.
Sunday dread
Mailman moment #337
He's not thrilled with the new purchase
Covid sucks
Got em
A technique 9 months in development
I mean I personally really like Eminem.
1985 Marty comes home early to find Jennifer sleeping with his future self.
I've noticed this throughout the years, I don't really care though, does this happen to you?
Cheating b*tches
Daniel doesn't give a ***
Power level arguments in anime be like
Let the discussion begin...
Learning is fun with Skeletor
Is it biodegradable?
Will Smith will smith your sword
Makes sense
They're actually building it!
And.... Action!!
Laughs in Cowboy Beepboop
biggest fan
my brain stopped working....
I dare you, I double dare you mother ***er
Does he look like a ***????
Be like daniel