Female weebs hit me up. I dont care if y'all are fujoshis

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No...not the tea...anything but the TEA!!
Changing like a flip of a switch
New format I made today and it fits the occasion
Tsar Peter the Great. Two daughters, and a son who died after conspiring to overthrow him.
why people try to say that she is not a pedophile
Little Business
Far Cry ;-;
During Black September the Palestinian refugees tried to overthrow the Jordanian monarchy
This costume is hot Hot HOT!
So long, suckers! I hope you enjoy figuring out where tf I went for the next 50 years!
It's almost spooky month bois
Getting rickrolled silently
What does IDK mean
We having a serious conversation
Girls don’t fart
It was a very bad day for her to pick
*The Breaking of the Fellowship plays in background*
Let us know who you plan to smite next
Menace to society
So the question is, which brother created the better brand?
Where brain?
Good old friv...
Time to go to Afghanistan i guess.
Don't ask how I know this
Hey I've got a crazy idea, how bout we don't give absolute power to people who are literally on meth
We just cant find anyone willing to work anymore! /s
person from my childhood recognize me in mask
Beware the devil's lettuce
The power of choice
“These nutcases think I knew in advance?”
The Many Names of Deutschland
Memewars 1945
Rasputin would also impress the court with his infamous trick of finding a penny behind someone's ear
I’ll teach you for speaking wrongly
Is America Big Brain
Both equally tremendous forces. Whish side will you choose?
It kills me every time using it
i want to time travel .... who says im an idiot
As a local, can confirm
Me and Crocky during a thunder storm
Giza Pyramid Construction,
Mmm, tasty data
Math homework.
Come for the wholesome romance between Kobayashi and her Dragon Maid, leave feeling like you need a shower with bleach
Author of nagatoro
I'm afraid it's true
Bruh why you do Bob like that
A new toy from Taiwan
It’s all for science in the end
It’s called proofreading people
How many people will get this?
At least i can afford cardboard
What we men do is art
Does anyone know ?
Pretty gross my dude
I have the power of god, anime, and family on my side.
*raises hand*
True kings know how it is
We're full, you can crash on the moon
Some days you just need cheese. Courtesy of a customer comment at my work.
Some View
If you don't know keep it that way
I make comics that give you an Australian accent
We support our short men o7
I wish anyone not attracted to these a very pleasant evening
I'll add more if I'm missing any
Crystal Methany
Meme Meme
A cookie shop is opening up next to a Weight Watchers.
What is yours?
The average run-in when trying to buy a car on Facebook marketplace.
Ya know I can just get a new hand
Halp needed.
Use wisely
Sleeping Pill - Ink Drawing
A never-ending minute
Michael Jordan plays ping pong while Larry Bird gets drunk, taken during the 92 Olympics.
It’s pretty priceless
USSR, 1954. For his first role ever, Willem Dafoe grows his beard, shaves his head and poses as a Turkman for the Soviet police.
A college student
That's a good wisdom!
Cleanse the weak blooded
Bruh too real too soon
It’s ok to release secrets every now and then
Ngl, I Feel Personally Attacked
LoL sucks
Oh Creston!
Found this just sitting there in a barn, I can’t believe my luck... The best part is that there were two of them, two full 4x8 sheets of OSB board!
Frequent stops.