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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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Kanna's Words Of Wisdom
Posting memes until I get my master's degree day 303 meme 505
Character growth
Together we are united.
I got a migraine and thought of this
We’re all doomed
Let's celebrate it together : D
tHeY DoNt lYk THaT mILk
The Yanks are coming! The Yanks are coming! ….at our own pace though
Because it fights prostate cancer
Come on, people
My friend's pet is very shy, specially around other dogs. Today was his first doggy day care. This is the photo the dog sitter sent to him. Guess where he is in the photo?
Girls dicks
I already miss Summer.
wonder if they ever hired him?
Yes Netflix, I’m going to cry.
you're safe now, be happy
Accurate very accurate
We are better than them in everything
We made corn on the cob and spotted this great review
The greatest mystery of our time
Trotsky sure had fun in exile before he got assassinated!
How many times do you do it everyday?
Truly the ultimate defense against the heat of 1,000 Suns.
Hmmm...I think i have seen her somewhere..
I had to made this
I feel like a such a boomer making memes like this
What can I say? He loved his nukes!
What huge balls look like
They always become the victim
There goes Buck Franklin, the impeccably well dressed lawyer who practices law out of a tent
I made a meme
Hear ye! Hear ye! I come from Prequelmemes with a proposition!
Yer a sith harry
Only few will remember this August 8
Anal Hairy midget
My rental car has a "ram the guy in front of you" button
argue or whatever, it'll happen anyways.
So they make this in my country..... Which is in Africa
It’s funny right ?
Grow legs today!
Quench pls
I’ll do so as much as I can and hope this will not end in a ban
What’s PEMDAS ? All I know is BODMAS.
yes this is a personal attack
You are my sunshine
"eNhAnCeD aNd ExPaNdEd"
Hopefully this isn’t just me
mY nAmE is CYucagXzdh
Ika and her grandpa
And now all is equal
A Flawed Argument - Ink Drawing
I just wanted to sleep tho
Cat owner can relate
If its urgent...
Mad Scientist Finally Solves “Is She Into You, or Is She Just Being Polite?”
*** parking ticket
On second thought. Never mind
Online Job Interview
In Europe this is nothing.
My nephew decided to pour water all over the floor. Heres a picture my sister sent me
Wink one eye at a time, checkmate
to be fair it sounds different in Arabic
Haha chocolate
Jesus Christ dancing break to impress his friends, 20 AD
They tried…
Nein ;_;
Forgive the Microbiology pun
Double standards
Must have been a bruh moment
What if we can’t just be anonymous anymore?
Haha thanks for reminding me :')
Finally the elexir of life
No lies detected
Arigato! Astolfo
6.9 times larger nice.
Here is a meme about game ads
English is not like that... V2
Final step:survive
Let’s make coke rooms clean again…….lmao
United Fruit Company bananas are packed full of both potassium and freedom!
I guarantee most people will forget her name in 2 months
Who's he!?
We will never forget the brave acts of these 4 men on June 7th 1984.
Priorities ladies and gentlemen
Healed through the power of iPhone
Pickle Wick