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"Are you a tranny or why do you constantly use this fairy as a reaction image? Do you identify with it?"
Null, 6.12.2021

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You wasn't there you know nothing
Now give me my money!!!!
Quality Vs. Quantity...
Guess I lost the twist cause she ain’t easily turned on no more
The One Where Monica Pulls a Funny Face During Phoebe's Wedding
Dads be like
A Wealth Of Knowledge
Nobody ***ing cares anymore
That time my daughter got her face painted at summer camp. She was very offended that I couldn’t tell she was “Elsa from Frozen”.
New to overused list, Please make sure to always check the rules.
Normalize paying me $ for my bullsh!t
Sorry Leon, but not even Expelliarmus is gonna get us out of this mess
Paralyzing effect
Einstein was real until 1907 when he became a professor of theoretical physics
They said it's a mirage
I don't really want to make any puns about Gacy; a subject like this does not mean one should clown around
My local ice cream shop deafinitely nailed it hear with ear-y accuracy
Wan Hu was a Chinese inventor who strapped 47 rockets to a chair he was sitting on in the 16th century. After they were all lit there was a large explosion, and he was never seen again.
The rarest item
nobody saw it coming
I mean...who wouldn't?
plz, come back...
Had plans for today but then I saw this sign and immediately drove to my school's theater department
Liberty Ships were crap, but were very useful crap.
My Country is full of numpties at the moment.
I have all the smorts
I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.
More tips in the comment section
I counted 14 stairs
Anon gets betrayed by the voice in his head
Burger King taking digs at Maccys UK
Psychological horror is the lack of certification
Can't believe they managed to stay out twice
Life’s good!
A group of English tourists return from the Easter Island
Pub in the UK seeing it's opportunity!
Is level 5 high or low
They don't know that's why we used to oppress them
Miku loves being lewded
So you’ve decided to sort by controversial
Outrageous algorithm
Rеddit moment
wall's was founded in 1922 and now is present pretty much everywhere
Tom89 dates an autist
South Vietnam's vice president was a womanizer and an Air Force commander, in that order
Not my ass plz
This shit ain't even funny anymore
My actual conversation with porsche
One to the two to the to the one minus?
the joke is sex! get it?
Can I have uhhhhh . . . barkiyaki
Minions did nothing wrong
I hear people don’t like this joke
20 years ago, the Onion laughed at history in the making
What will 2022 bring?
Space Karen gets a perm
Sad times
New house = new welcome mat
I'll go first: Hello your computer has virus
Toughest choice of this life
Big Titty Goth GF
A young Eminem meets Tupac,
i mean, come on
how is it called in your country?
They need more love
i don't know man but yeah
That is one tasty burger
Seriously try it
Does he tho genuinely
Honestly who does?
You are what you hate ✅
we are all the hotdog
Noob vs veteran
Steve awoke nostalgia
It bomked me for having horms
These Hondas really do last forever - a new milestone!
Evil midweek cutie
Redneck Ingenuity
Dumb Euros always think they’re better than us.
Caught this gem in a Target parking lot
Giant pigeons or tiny cars ?
Komi be spittin bars
Can anyone here honestly say they would not do the same? That man is a God
maths is hard- ok?
Based violence
I'm not saying he's right, but I get it.
It was those damn Sea Peoples, wasn't it? Answer me!
Аssholes not able to carry their own bricks