After watching this movie with my GF who drooled the whole time, I made this

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Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 400! ✓
My best friend's "Not Engagment" announcements I just got in the mail.
Ther is a lesson here somewhere
squid game irl
Every time I drink
he really is
Lil Nas seems to be a fan lol
Editing myself into a meme everyday for 100 days Day #3
Lotion is good for your skin
Me and the bois .
I'm a cool hat!
based on a post I saw earlier today
That's some info to swallow
Goku take overs please ;(
Kids don't try this at home
1992 The bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms published their revolutionary escalation of force policy
Fake a*s b*tches
You never had them
Can it say the N word?
Whatever you may have expected this bus to do, forget it
One of the few wholesome things to happen on 9/11. Thanks, friendly Canadians!
"Frankie kicked a mine the day mankind kicked the moon"
I know why @Superomega got the vaccine
Pregnant olive oil
the power of monke
He wasn’t thrilled when we got home and realized walks were off the table.
Not so egalitarian after all
I have Zero love for them
big bruh
suomi style
Oh f*ck, I have to play video games all day
The Battle of Antietam was a slaughterhouse. 3,700 soldiers from both sides were killed making it the bloodiest day in American history.
Removes Headphones
I made a meem
Real MAN!!
History is written by the victors - WC
best trade ever
Anon hates koalas
Saw someone upload something similar and decided to put my own spin. X
“Step aside toilet paper orientation, daddy’s got a new favorite”
I took my eyes off my toddler for 5 minutes and this happened
I'm here for the plot
retvrn to tradition
Shoebill with a shoe bill - Ink Drawing
*Peter Griffin voice* You have aged *choir* Yes you have aged
Never liked his music
Recently got into drone photography, what do you think?
better then an alcoholic neighbor
water catto
Smoooooooooothhh criminal
A perfect selfie.
Tending to perfection...
Task Failed Succesfully
"A" or "B" ?
Why it took so long
E.D. Extra Diabetes
Asked a passerby for a family photo. Nailed it!
Dad Class 101
Although it never got past the drawing board, the British considered a plan to turn Hitler into a woman
the hero we need
Why would nana lie?
College things...
brehs member i told you i had those seizures some months ago
Time for a SOVIET duel!
It does, but only for those with purchasable enjoyments.
Doodoo fart
Elvis' chance of getting polio has left the building; thank you and good night!
Bois, it's coming.
I was very stupid as a child.
Come on. I'm ready.
Too accurate..
Fires 1400, brags about 100% vaccination
Verizon granted me Disney+ for another 320 generations, as a trial membership.
"The Male Fantasy"
Yo someones taking a shit
I HAVE DONE IT, I have gotten the funny number!
an uncanny resemblance
What's the virus gonna do? Exploit the latest jabbascript framework that's not on my computer?
Sad Nina Tucker Noises
And a nice side of Choccy Milk
Now this is an Avengers Level threat
An update to yesterday's post, it turns out I won't have to marry Cthulu after all
I say let’s do this!
if you feel the burn you feel somthing right?
Man what the hell
I say as I’m in class anyway.
wtf zero two what are you doing at the nuremberg trials
The good old street
My Dad texted me telling me he was proud of the woman I've grown up to be. The next day I showed up to the house like this.
"Yeah bro you should really try it, you won't regret a thing"
The Alpha Male is not Something that Exists in Nature and Subsequent Studies Have Shown Most People are Not Attracted to Domineering or Aggressive Partners
Carbonated water, sugar, caramel colour, phosphoric acid, caffeine, natural flavours. Here you go
It's just a hop, skip and a jump straight into four years of bloody warfare