Dinosaur handler with one of the dinosaurs during the shooting of Jurassic Park

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What should it be called?
weeb be like…
A change of oppresors
Have a good night
It was a complicated relationship
This is turning out different from how we imagined it
i might get One too
Damn right sad.
I was trying to download and watch Fate but got sooo confused, I gave up.
no bonks!
You can also use a plunger
You can swap Germany and Japan as you see fit, but search up unit 731
And the story continues
Send help please
Sad story there
Where would you put your cat on the political compass?
I wish I had shitposted more
Mmm... tasty beaver
Hans you have to try zis choclate
That applies to me at least
Just call me John Wick
Delicious honeycomb - OG candy even the Australopithecus could enjoy
After 700 years...we'll call it a draw
Doesn't feel so good when it's you losing something, does it?
R.I.P. Pikachu
"Seig heil to you too, Earthling"
Laughing in Vietnamese
He has us in the first half...
How to know it’s not you’re day
Stalin has no chill
They're called horsemen because they eat horses
Ah yes, the good ol' Britain
Crazy how a Baltic country switches up on a person
"Iceberg? Tell me now, mein Freund, aren’t you Jewish by any chance?"
There must always be two
-69,000,000 social credit
“ But now it’s bad for me whoooo”
Stalin: Surprised Pikachu face
are we bros?
First Tacos, now WhiteBones too.
hate it when it happens
did you guys really fall for the exponential growth bs?
iron maiden irl
Horny creatures
They have long since surpassed us.
guys its easy, just don't life
we'll bang, ok?
I often forget what Mike is supposed to look like
-50 int
only if the vice president is some cold hearted psychotic b*tch
anon wants gta3
Mmmh monke
I swore them off after Cars 2
Emu moment
Best Country
what about quantum males tho?
͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No wonder he's screaming
A cat is fine, too
you can make it king
It’s not a hate crime if you enjoyed doing it
Nooo! How are you going to pass on those shit genes to breed an even worse generation now?
When you're not based
god I hate women so much
Dozing off
Greatest ally
who tf wears white pants with a dark grey jacket ?
I've got a very good friend in Rome named...
anon is being wholesome
Body count
Something went wrong: Title is too short.
Sad hmmm
Two doges? Kinda gay, my dude.
Where will you be when the ennui hits you?
Change my mind
You know who to root for
Anon has a GF
whats good on the flix brehs i have someones account but never use it cause it all sucks
hey brehs did ylal hear the good news
The Thing from Amogus World
get back to work