I've officially gotten too weird for my own tastes.

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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What a difference 5 years makes
Don't mind us, we're just visiting
Wait… really???
I'm just trying to find a reputable business.
Either case it’s a win-win
Whole history lesson in one shot
Bounce from above! It's raining milk! Hallelujah!
This is why God left earth and aliens won't visit us
that's life
C’est manifique!
Money first
Jungle bunny
Damn, I want to end my career now
thats not bad
The siege of Vienna was a close call.
It's just liquid potatoes.
This doesn't make cents
I made one
Poltergeist Anonymous
They won’t C me
When I close my eyes, I can’t see
Engine checking is exempt - Ink Drawing
Lose that virginity, boy.
Quiet a day in Erfurt
The face on this Swiss cheese
Shatner forced to work for Amazon to pay back flight costs
a fool and their money
It’s finally here!!
Bangee jumping brain in class
i cant decide between 2nd and 3rd
Mom it's called shitposting and even billionaires are doing it >:(
Soles barefoot toes
wolf of wall street
Stay positive my friends
you can only choose one
Group Costume
damn irish
This is going to be removed
Less Successful Neutral Nations
I Never Thought a Simple Typo will Cost me my Life
Heard they have a 2 for one meat lovers special...
Continue in the comment section :)
Was he ever a good boy to begin with?
the award of next season of squid game be like:
Pretty cool bridge if you ask me
Evil Hitler Be Like
Bring back the prohibition in 2020
emojis bad my G
where is African meme...:D
I'd rather have... hold on
Why love one and hate the other
40% off stonks
What if no one had invaded India....
Adds in LTT sponsor segues not gone, YT lied
Cordi B
West Taiwan
86% of people are out of thei mind
The People’s Princess- Princess Diana
And then I woke up
It was bad while it lasted
Third Rome best Rome?
Who knew making memes involved making the most random searches ever
It's a no brainer, right... ... Right?
The Raid ads are rampant I can't escape from them
I'm starting to think 100 Grumpy Animals isn't a children's book at all
Always a 3rd option
Call in Paw Patrol
Very convincing CGI
I wanna be special
Collateral 100
Why you can’t trust the public to select names…
oh Cesare help me
Dumbledore to funny.
Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger is Ready
Anakin Skywalker on break during his historical harmonica concert that lasted 2 days in the summer of 1982
Strong man need a little sister to keep him in check
Ah yeah Science
Rare photo of Marx and Lenin, 1901. colorized
All righty then! I will just pee..
One big truth.
So who's the REAL mother of dragons?
The best of both worlds
The beauty of anime characters.
Boy, here we goddamn it, it’s not mine.
I yOGUiRTeD oN yEr ShUrT M’aAm….
weeb teaching moment
unexpected culture
or was I?
oiseaux = wah-zoh
Smortness 100
Apple MacBook Pro with M1 Max