When you take a history class after high school

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Now, go on, tell me, don't be shy ;)
It ain't though
you don't need a house if you go monke
I’m a Hooman
Look, a turtle!
They really made him look like a mega chad.
Doing a costume a day for the month of October. Today my neighbors got to learn the legend of Old Gregg
Just my personal opinion
My friend got drunk and insisted on being slapped. This was the result
Yep, that's me.
Are you soda pressed too?
Humble Chad
Real sign at a new development in Denver
If I have to suffer they all have to suffer
Who here likes mushrooms?
Ight boss, here's my resignation meme
I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights
Sucked by the void
bizarre history of birth control
I'm not surprised
We hit the bottom
Vasily Arkhipov, what a legend.
Haha silly olpipo
Just received the holy grail of invoices
Im ready for the downvotes…
Summary of the trial of Joan of Arc
Noot noot
the meth must flow
Then we are waiting for explanation from flat earthers
Gravitational Force
Converting to Christianity led to less efficient horses
They get to become parents of orphans (It means a lot to them)
well done
You won’t believe what happened next
Germany 1933-1945AD
An Arsenal of Democracy
Flat earth humor
is that a gun or are you just happy to see me?
Roman Republic Week II - It was already dead edition
I swear mom that dog came out of nowhere
Hugelol moment #5 - Borgir unsafe
Let's the kids enjoy anything they want, right?
Salami cave
All Paths lead to Collapse
Infitine resistance power to outsider invasions... Albania and Romania based.
I did it, boys
Jokes aside... Did I miss a page?
stay safe guys, keep your back straight :)
Don't break eye contact and lick your lips
no horny pls
What happened to your country? It got Wololoed.
The Sun Never Sets...
because less people live there
Heh sheeple they don't want you to know this
Heh we just talked about this in the other group
I do this
Virgin WW2 participants vs Chad Vietnam “War” participants
Goofy sus
Chernobyl, 1989. A cat crosses the road.
Is it my tie
I'd call it Oedipal at best
Mha hart, mah sole
Alice Cooper on a snack break between music sets New York 1973
It was a lie
Gays are nice irrelative of meme. No hate!
I havent had the motivation to study otherwise and have an exam tomorrow so why not.
Idk, but I think we have a winner of stupid
Beware of substances that have pH 7
Rami is a master at telling a story
When you’re really hungry, you’re going to understand the value of a minute
Me in an interview
You are on this council but we do not grant you the rank of Great.
60+ years and no end in sight
If your boyfriend isn't ready to fight and die by your side in battle, is he really your boyfriend?
I would recommend the authoritarian leader who wants to reunite the Korean peninsula
Known meme
the results just came in
Yes make land
They tracked my husband down at the Renaissance Faire. Impressive.
You can bum a fag in England and not be gay.
Pedro Lascuráin ruled Mexico for 45 minutes in 1913, earning him the Guinness World Record for “Shortest Presidency Ever”
it’s getting that time of year again
Greetings, Mortal
Came across this while running errands... This scene seems oddly familiar...
I start with The Hobbit.
Frogs Strong Together
Is this type of emojis accepted?
may be a re idk
I can suck my own dic
Bing boom bang
Koreans go brrrrrrr
Batman v Dracula
Kid is messed up