November 5th, 1955, the day this scientist invented Time Travel,

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Wait until they hear about the Islamic Golden Age.
I’m just trying to be a nice guy here.
She is Holo the wise wolf!
Do to a series of unforeseen circumstance I, a gloomy teenager, am using this celestial being to make ramen
Physicist VS Engineer
What is 2031 gonna be?
"Unconditional Surrender" Grant
So brave and bold!
I finally did it guy!
Something fishy going on here...
Please provide game link
Sometimes life's an escape room
Can I just feel cool with a girl’s jacket? Please?
Good idea in Spanish
Hmm why is he still there
I really hate buying shoes
finally a picture for my Instagram
As a fellow lefty, never understood it
Heil Hinkel
Imagine sitting on this comfy butt *biting lips emoji*
Nope, I didn't fall for it at all
Uh oh bongbros
Demons aren't the only thing he slays
This is immune on people whose moms are hoes
Once and done
All they wanted was a warm water.
For my LOTR boys
Nothing to see here, chaps. Oh, by the way, don't attend Parliament on 5th November
I have won, with no cost
I remember that moment. Pain.
Weakness: Children of Hoes
nice videos you got there!
I'm planning to move out, but some things are just hard to throw away
Can't unsee now
England launching it's youth educational programme, circa 1980
Sure you can retreat, backwards and straight through that minefield.
Dude is an optimist
I wonder what was going through their minds if they actually saw a sacrifice
They do be makin da money
This says a lot about society.
I don't have drinkable tap water so I am asking
How is it?
Sigma tv show
cat vulturi is judging you
Hoho !
Thanks Mark...
Sorry if the text is a bit cramped, but the point still rings true
LOTR posting ?
That man needs JUSTICE .
Eat her ass, probably
Ok, you tall people, that’s a normal thing or I am that clumsy?
Kraków uprising in a nutschell...
Remember remember, the 5th on Novembre
I used to be God once
As if there was any other decision.
The Rab concentration camp was run by Italy
Gus should go back to chicken, in my opinion
This is probably every non-native English speakers
Sad meow
I love this
Zulu Singing Intensifies
hey do we use trigger warnings for colonialism in this group ooor
Tired of your pens disappearing?
One for the day, one for the night
Yeah what does it mean
hehe lil pp
He's ready for two winters
Which option would you choose?
Touch me like you touch your controller
Smells fishy in here
Importance of sample size
That's what I call meta
Definitely fap worthy in NNN
Don't shoot me, I am a legal robber
Absolutly hilarious art I found of Teddy Roosevelt online
What will the government do next ???
Wat u sey guys...
He was a worthy replacement for based wheelchair man
God, please love me
Which one are y'all picking?
how the USA won . . .
I mean…..
Everyone gangsta until the balloon cops come floating around
Here comes trouble!!!
He drove from NC to LA to talk to H3 abt his micro wiener
And then I accidentally rip the paper
I like British people I swear
I'm just standing here