Brett Kavanaugh runs out of beer at his first frat party

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Ottomans were too busy to win a war
Posting African history memes every day for a month day 5 but it's actually day 5
Yeh, the Hoxne Hoard is cool, but check out the craftsmanship on this hammer!
A scientific marvel...
well done
He puts the “Cat” in Catan
Being a turtle is hard
Daddy chill, it's vibin' Wednesday!
My partner left potato chip crumbs in the sink last night so I sent him this
Anime = Alabama
A ruthless air strike by the Italian military, 1938
My best painting to this date, I call it 'Nordic Winter Afternoon'
Comment section do your work
My work had their first in person event and it already makes me miss working from home
Giuseppe Prezzolini was based af.
One could say, he got... disarmed
Want your boat back?
I'm 4 parallel universes ahead of you
Change my mind - Stalin was way worse than Hitler
they think spoiling shows is friendship. those ***s
I refuse to believe this
Gingerbread fun
It used to be the 4th largest lake in the world
The World War sequel is finally coming
Y yo arm look like a kebab lmao
Medusa meets King black cobra mamba
The Toyota War is WAY to underrated
Awkwardness is eternal
That's easy enough
India : The most lnvaded land.
Its Just a memory
Less flamboyant relative of the Boom Chacalaca
doesn't elaborate further
...and hes dimmadone
I know a lot of you people can relate
Carrey your mask folks.
Boris Johnson begins his political career
TY Peter
Different POVs
Gentrification in London
And then there are people who don't give the free awards and let them expire
With great responsibility…
couldve gone easier on him..
Languages ***ing suck
The average Exotic Dancer salary in the U.S. is $49k, tips included
I'd love to watch some 'lettuce' action in HD
Don’t know= Lucky
It can be annoying to have a friend with a special power
I’ll be back to posting tomorrow
Dogs Not Happy
The note on my nephew’s door after his mom said he couldn’t buy the toy he wanted at the store this morning.
My man doesn’t care
I love this platform but sometimes y'all take yourselves TOO seriously
Desperation can make you even more pathetic
I beg to differ.
Here is my program:
The superpowers just had the wrong priorities when it came to space
Rich Bat Problems
Anything else is wrong
Bernie Sanders advocates for the legalization of marijuana, 1977
Justice for Señior Woofers
British, French & German soldiers together on Christmas Day, 1914
I like tomato soup with a splash of orphans blood.
Medieval knights relaxing after a long day of warfare and pillaging
Look at the blockchain
Autumn Leaves
RIP oldschool MSPaint, long live KolourPaint
I'm unsure if I would tbh
Polite Silence
Don’t forget to to reverse your clocks
Not all people deserve heroes
Damn, even the pigeons are quitting!
you gained 200 pounds
brehs how come yall always act likes yall didnt lose
Did I do it right?
mobile games
Prepare yourselves for a very stupid meme about hair
Thank God for Serena Williams
This plumber's rates
haha not for long
zero two of the pool
I work for a scooter company, and need to retrieve this one in order to proceed with my route...
Idk about you but I find my morning alarms pretty funny yet quite effective
Dogs and animals alike!
They probably gonna invite her to their birthday party idk
Döner macht schöner!