40%? You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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I too am a real life female with very large breasts and I need your immediate assistance girl friend
This is who the REAL chad is
Umm... Sounds familiar
A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do
it's ok my parents are cool about us
spongebob, but it's just straight up piracy on hugelol
Fine Dining
Truly nightmare stuff even for them
*right click*
distraction jackson
Behind the scenes of The Powerpuff Girls
Remembers KFC
A meal for a meal
Hey this video has 3 million likes it must be pretty good
Vincent paints his Sunflowers, then binges through Attack on Titan
don't search it
Phew! Got Buddy Christ?
There were 2,100 Spaniards AND 200,000 indigenous allies, something that is always omitted
This is familiar somehow
God amongst men
My workplace put these pamphlets out for Movember
It is an old post i think but still worth sharing
A neat trick indeed.
Just change it a bit
Japan already had one American fat man dropped on them - they don't want another
It never actually happened tho
We’re marginally better
diamonds are not rare and young people don't by them.
Kyle Rittenhouse gets an RPG for Christmas,
It didn't really work, did it?
A whole lot going on in this photo
Only cultured people will get this
Russian culture has been heavily influenced by the Byzantine empire. And don't even get me started on the orthodox faith.
Chris: genoa, italy. Hitler braunau am inn, austria. And napoleon corsica. .
It's always so sudden
This is no adventure
I'm sorry, the postal code is what??
i did this in paint
Here they come!!
Priorities, Komi-san has them.
Gaming and jerking
Does zalgoing f̵̨̛̜̔̋̀ǘ̸̻̚͠ç̴̠̯̂̎͆͜͝k̸̖̓̿̆̒ up titles too?
now we know why
How I Made It to the World Cup
Tell me your bizarre anime watching habits so I can judge you.
I ain’t gay, but…he is better wife material than all of em
See you guys
Rip people with a car fetish
This is Norway's new Minister of Finance, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum. Dressed appropriately.
Man, rabbits used to be a really menace to society. Remember kids, eat your carrots.
this meme has a bigger historical content than you think
9 out of 10 scientists hate him
How to fill the void of loneliness inside you 101
Anyone wanna start a mosh pit at Chuck E. Cheese?
the last battle
based on real events
10/10 would would’ve ended the pandemic in a week
Mixed messages
Somewhat philosophical, but more so lazy.
Don’t dead open inside
"The minstrel boy to the war is gone. In the ranks of death you will find him. His father's sword he's girded on, and his wild harp slung behind him."
No movie is perfect
You are loved.
Apparently it doesn't matter
I will wait
Good men and women fought and died for you to not be like this, and instead have education, and when you started working, you have an 8-12 hour workday, with breaks and basic rights.
Dogs are life
Just stating the facts here
We've done well lads...
Feels like the end of a monty python sketch
Quantity has a quality of its own
Different styles of leadership
It would prove to be a critical error for Al Capone
Britney at completion of Eiffel Tower
if you don't believe me look at china right now
We are certified creep free!
That was awkward...Anyways.
Inside my fortune cookie tonight
If only the story was a bit better
We must give everyone a voice, especially the advertisers
Innovation 100
Not politically motivated in any manner
Bad news for Australia
istg if anyone says sauce
Decisions decisions decisions ...
His secret has been revealed
The life of having kids...
I might be a stud but I’m not made out of money!
even in their own video