I'm getting downvoted into oblivion for this, but... Finland wasn't pure and innocent in ww2.

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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Seriously, why isn't this a thing???
rome is my future
At least I'm from the rightfully german part :'(
Happy Frida- aw..
The Roman obsession with incendiary weaponry continues on.
It’s just a letter and they took 15 years to change it?
crysis, silent hill, wc3, dmc, gta...
I thought it was a chocolate pizza..
Time for some ring toss
Iran before the mods inevitably ban this meme 1975
Looking at you Thanksgiving
Trust the science
what we lookin' like out there
What do you do now, huh?
Why are the trees moving?
Just steal what they have stolen. Problem solved?
President on a leash.
He probably shouldn't have boinked her.
My wife fired me from baking cookies with her
Why Germany?
Meanwhile in Srilanka....
Young stud
anon wants milk
A shout-out to all the Homers and their dedication to oral traditions
My lord, is that... Legal?
> makes you spend hours a day finding silly pictures and posting them elsewhere
The USS William D. Porter accidently fired a live torpedo at the USS Iowa with Roosevelt on board, but rather than going to a safer place, he asked to be bring to the side of the ship so he could see
I'm an "architect"
You done f**ked up.
Sasuke wipes Tomato town
Yes name one im waiting
No cap
Any one else I missed?
He can do this all day
Latin America trying out communism during the Cold War be like
It's up his ass
Found on ig
Don’t *** with the Scots Guards
And if you move an inappropriate amount in class, you might even get adderall
From my workplace, boss is being witty
Queen Elizabeth II emotional after her coronation in 1953
poor things
Reject modernity, roll back society to medieval standards
Except when a leftist calls you "boy" or "child"
Being cringe and completely unaware is basically being based
Babe I can't sleep
I’m Hindu…
Egg quality
based tenant
You Fear The Big Bad Wolf?
are you supposed to?
Fahrenheit 451 releases
Odin is with us
long or short zero two
Are there any others?
I am just curious okay.
The clock ticks
My bird leaving me
How to make a covid mask
On no, it's a COMIC!!
Is it possible to learn
anon has a job
So is a "transfem" a boy or a girl?
Let me introduce the translator
kids wouldn't leave the house, took the wifi for a walk.
Turkey was still recovering from the last world war
French general Ferdinand Foch died in 1929, before he could know just how prophetic his words were.
Weekly Contest 134: Homer posting
They were stumped alright
The Alaska Gold Rush.
Most German soldiers were just normal dudes getting cucked by their insane government
Why is there picture of woman?
You're cool
But where
Freedom of expression
Guys just sort by small dick
Ancient Roman wars easy. Moth bad.
Group project!
i wouldnt press its
Itsa me I am ugly
The 1978 Dirty Protest is a bit unsettling to read about
reasons why i hate school
Suffering and success?
It's all fun and games until is not
That’s a nice shirt
real ufo sighting