Not OC, but it’s too awesome to not share with you all

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Latinos IS inclusive
Went by this site on an Amtrak train, turned to my husband and started singing, “The Simpsons…” and he looked at me like I was crazy. Serious question, is this grounds for a divorce?
Now draw me like one of your french girls.
Dont ask me how please
Settle down Bev
He was hanging his head out of a car window!
I fear no man but that cat scares me
You gotta admit it's much easier now
Ughh yes thanks
I’m saved
Gotta get us some bigger cathedrals
Yeah well, your chances ain't that good
Over Used, Over Simplified, and just plain shallow.
It’s like they didn’t even notice
Is it just me or do they always do this?
I may not be a history nerd, but as a paleo nerd I can say we are still very angry about the bone wars.
That's not how it works girls
*blushing emoji*
This is gonna be funny.
My mood change
Team Fortress 2 MvM... ***.
2021 economy be like
More interesting topics here
Unrest and Progress
"Tonight We Ride in Rail!"
It's only a joke, okay?
This pic goes hard fell free to screenshot it
These wouldn't be viral if people remembered order of operations
Button go brrrrr
Yeah we weren't kind to our indigenous either
And thus begin the Trojan War
Tis a confusing time
Spaghetti Junction
As if by magic
Quee-, I mean, king Jadwiga had a big brain
Remember Kids, if a Woman with a Mask walks ups to you in a Dark Alley and asks if she's pretty, say "Maybe" and Run!
The Chosen one Has Returned.
Getting a little stale
Thinking of the 5 Eyes Alliance it seems De Gaulle was not that wrong
Our dog whose tongue always sticks out in a blanket with holes
Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was Bastogne
Maurycy August Beniowski or Benyovszky Móric was a Polish-Hungarian person who was crowned King of Madagascar by the natives in 1776
Which one is paper
They both did it.
the saddest story
Tom Holland loves Aunty's dicks
In response to a meme criticizing punishment on 'baby killers veterans'
I think the US took the slogan way too serious
Spanish Conquistador after the defeat of the Aztec Empire
“Mom, look at the little human!”
You cant unsee that now ;)
A befitting death for us cultured weebs
History of thanksgiving circa 1621
I'm Spartacus
So now what ?
I’m at a state of utter indifference
What ***tail would you serve in this?
No focus
Necessity is the mother of all inventions
mein weener ist größer als unsere sprachbarriere
Spoiler Alert: He gets eaten by a Goddess’ private part.
Can’t catch a break
Let's gooooooooooooo
Let's be honest, Canada is probably the favorite child.
A native american tribe protected from american forces, circa 1776 colourised
You're a player. I'm a gamer. We're not the same.
There's only one way to find out
This had an ifunny watermark but I'll spare you that shame
Aren't we all 27 clicks deep into the fall of the Byzantine empire?
cursed fact of the day
Damn they can see our farts
It takes me one entire day to send an email :'(
1 in every 9 men is a furry
4 horsemen of historymemes
Plato's Allegory of the Cave
Decisions are being made
Sadist noises
((They)) fear the samurai
The Jews weren't exactly happy at that comparison
The iron sheik represents me
Help me my fellow weebs
This looks like a very tense living situation.
Everyone forgets the 4th pig
You sick ***s
Made by me
Some people work for free and are still overpaid
Reverse exorcism
How do we call this position?
Rocky loves jungle..
Some call me the gangster of love
He forgot in which show he is in