Some call it the Nuremberg Air Battle, others the Nuremberg Celestial Event, I really don't have a good name

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Literally a legend
What is your guess?
No band practice
She was a sk8er boy...
Progression BMW
No wonder Komi-san has a lot of rumble effects when she's nervous.
not a big fan of these wojaks but this is facts
Damn your eyes!
Please stop complaining about it and just let them enjoy what they enjoy
Pit Viper offered inconspicuous packaging so my wife wouldn’t know what’s in the box. Solid.
Name the movie that was like this for you
Vapes are a scam
Gotta think harder with those Casios
Did I....miss any?
This says alot about society
My friend turned 40 today, so I delivered balloons this morning dressed as the grim reaper.
Heroic doses of shrooms for me
im bored so... pls?
No logic !
Finally something I can identify with !
Polish soldier on her way to Stalingrad - 1942
Nothing happened in Nanjing
Back in the day, the local hangout spot always had one of these bad boys
Your Banana has Blood on it lads
It was nice...
The sad but true story of Buddy the Elf
You’re all just awful.
I come bearing gifts
Monke mom ent
World War 3 will be fought on Twitter moderated by Dorsey
Now let's build a wal around Alesia and build a wall around that wall.
I give you the greatest warning label ever.
They defend japans innocence to their graves
Dank enough?
We need some warning.
The joke is there is no joke
Sehr Gut
Izumi’s Disciple
He just hears a weird buzzing
Bartholomäus Wolfcat III
One of our teachers wore a mandalorian mask and walked around saying “Do your homework, this is the way.”
The American civil war ends
That is oddly relatable!
A Busty Bust of Marcus Aurelius
Guys IDK about this one
Mike is not happy
I found this picture of my grandpa in Vietnam. Not sure if this is the right place to post it. He cried when I showed it to him,
It's almost hypnotizing.
Execution vs fair treatment
Bathroom Mirror LOML :')
Do it. I wanna judge you.
Endangered Snek
So many people got rekt by Churchill, and I'm not talking about Gallipoli.
One of these things is not like the other ones.
Memory? What is that? -araki hirohiko 2020
died only to see this
He was the only one who could sleep that night
The strange formation on the moon has finally been identified
Know the difference guyz
These Christmas lights look like underwear
I laugh like the jet on the left.
Impressive adapt overc*med
The Single Life
They really ‘suit’ each other
Came home late for his usual afternoon walk
Reason N°290.481 of why the HRE is nothing but a laughing stock
Laughs in broke-ass
Virgin laptop battery
What happened….
The Real One?
Try and get up from Bed... to win
Let's see what 2022 brings us...
Whenever we go out
Christmas is a time for sharing.
JoJo girls hit different
I don't like where this is going..
I should make a word for my language
They really need competitor
My dude Coconut Head grew up and got chiseled?
Al-Qaeda prisoner being tortured at Guantanamo Bay
damn 9 months went by fast
A man of God
I think my eyes need checking
That Thing I Like
Interesting Großtraktor
Stamped, marked, certified
you wouldn't dowload a car
Reject P-51 Mustang. Embrace P-38 Lightning.
Let me live my life, and you live yours.
The 335 year war was ***ing hillarious