With proper context, it's one of the most wholesome stories to ever come out of the Medieval Era.

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Nostalgia - Part 1
Mickey mouse bullshit
Sorry if it's badly edited
"i legitimately commited financial crime" - @veggiefact
Making a meme about each president. Part one: George Washington
Texas is weird
then there is University of South California
in dire need of a chapstick
Alaskan flight delay
Strongest back wins
The egg is …
Whoever made this is just making stuff up don’t feel bad.
A dedicated father protecting his daughter's ears during the blitz in 1941
Lady has a great sense of humor.
How was your recap
They are real I'm telling you!
Boss isn’t gonna be happy with that one
ok fam, sorry I didn't believe you
the 1 million might be wrong, it could be 500,000. but still, this is really dark.
Lived as a chad, died as a chad.
*Germanic tree noises*
a revolutionary change
Asian families are weird sometimes
My father finally got a real phone and this is his first official selfie
: ÷ D
Yes people it's really good
Bombing cities is immoral...
1993 On the Set of Jurassic Park, in case there were any accidents involving the child stars
Oh Jacksepticeye
access denied...
Unforgettable Christmas Band Recital
The French sure are original
Poor Andrew
Very funny Venus
God no....
So close...luckily no one died.
I hate my username so much now
The Irish are a different breed.
Dollar General really is really stepping up their game
Yeah, I know two of them are surrogate but who cares.
When Latinos were actually hype about it
We failed them
Everyone understands Banana
I'm honestly scared of her now....
Review For a Deep Fryer on Amazon
I'll just add a happy little rest point
Non-Fungible Tolkien
The greatest debate out there
This just became very apparent to me, and now I'm just horrified for life
What’s 15 minutes more honey?
When the game makes you get on the pain train
Stolen from a anime corner's FB page. Damn
I just watched MIB 3 and thought of this
Shinobu from Monogatari series be like
Ew such greedy scum!
The drama ensues!
That will teach him a lesson
A date to remember.
In the end your choices make you
I wouldn’t want an antisemite as a wife either
I wanna live in the nightmare dimention
What’s your guys’ stats?
In the end, both parties feel like shit, If you like someone, don't hold it back. your never gonna win if you're afraid of losing
Sgt Johnson
At least my cat likes its arrow shaped hoverboard
The Highest of Power Levels
Being 18 be like...
Confusion is abrupt.
Truly a classic
I have sharp ears..
We can't have anything nice these days
For the glory of Rome
I see, you are a man of culture
Rem disagrees
Also those three kids aren't yours
Tis the season
Go vega...wait.. no, you better not
The logic of illogical people
Sad it wasn't there
I don't care about being a "cultured weeb"
I finally understand silvertalon.
Sand Hanitizer, kills Germans.
Uphill, both ways with no shoes apparently
Haxor Man
Hi, I'm Russ Cargill and I the head of the Pon Door A
It goes so high it broke my roof
Christmas tree for anti-vaxxers, no needles.
Just informed them there won't be a Second Breakfast... nor an Elevenses.
It took me a few seconds to figure out what’s going on here…
Lesson Number 1 : Never idolize people from the past...