There is a severe lack of African history on this sub.

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A couple from Mexico's Yucatan has made it into the record books for the fastest intercourse in 7.8 seconds. It could have been you and me, but you're not texting me ((
Komi in a parallel universe
Max crossbow skills
He found da wae
you are super neat
Some literature history
Cats just can't help themselves
How a lot got into the franchise
Adolf Hitler meets the man who would eventually assassinate him years later,
Always have hope, fellas..
Oi bruv those Oirish people kinda stchewpid innit
Like, how does she change her voice so well
you better not pout
How many bananas do you have?
Amazing what can be discovered these days
So anyway, I started dancing
I’m so happy F1 started using subtitles.
Even easier as text
Poland is not yet lost
Unpopular opinion I think, Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun killed more than the funny moustache guy.
Oh no it's stuck again!
And they call me a noob...
And thats how humanity was made.
Talk about efficiency smh !
It's seems legit
I have too much spare time for my own good
Every freaking time!
Is that true ?
Plot twist: you take them and she stays.
A shitty house / the same shitty house but it's christmas
Just don’t. Please.
I've won..
The closest thing to printing money
Ants in the pants
Lets just leave it there
Crispy Meme #509
Mandatory sneedposting
Germany couldn’t have won the war lol
You snooze, you lose
Tsunderes in a nutshell
Im not even hold then next to my ear either…
Jesus, The Hindu God that's a Jew
Who wouldn’t join if they had clone armor?
I mean, I'm calling you father, but you're probably my brother too idk
Not really a hot meme, but rather a meme about the hot
Say ahhh...
Chad cats vs Virgin cats
Da boy
Hey, why reinvent the wheel, am I right?
bear rave
How is everyone commenting a literal second immediately after I post a meme
Ancient cooling
Builders in the middle ages used some pretty shitty materials
Stacy’s mom..
We'll take all your heroes
Those three words? Yare Yare Daze
My friend’s cat waited politely to be served steak at dinner tonight
Slovs basement
Liking some animes and mangas doesn't make you a weeb stricto sensus btw :*
Smile please
Big finger
I thought that this meme belonged here
Poor Karl
Pinnacle of greatness 1 year anniversary
Perhaps another character re-model?
The shortest war on record- 38-45 minutes in total.
Ask me the questions, bridgekeeper. I’m not afraid.
Lol instantly booked an appointment here!
Missed opportunity indeed
It very nearly worked too.
ye s
Sources: Dude trust me
Clever way to get a $3 tip from me.
Oi! You 'aving a laff m8?
Noah get the gun
the pillar men
The faults in the confinement are showing themselves
Ah yes, tetanus
Japanese classroom during the beginning of the Islamic Revolution.
Very old but very gold
Emily we all know you can draw
Promises you can't keep
Taking revenge on this oppressive shell we call "indoors"
it was very Kind of Engels to pay for His whole stuff
Indoor ranchers
Laugh react niggas
he needs the space trust me
The evils of colonialism
Making him drink his slaves piss bottles would be more on topic
Hope everyone did this for wholesome savings.
HMS Pinafore is the greatest diss track of all time.