Iranian soldiers in their combat uniforms, before the Muslim Revolution

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"Do I have a choice?"
Wall • Eak
I love rearranging movie titles at the thrift store.
Good boy
for some reason...
Now we are asking the real questions
No, I’m not disabling adblock
There's history outside war category you know
I'm gonna write a book called "the insanity of a broken man".
Please, just don't...
NFT's amirite
Mmm...the titan fist!
mark solves world theft
No god pls no,no,no,NOOOOO
Life isn't the same for everyone..
look out lady
few, that could have been bad
I hate the old myth of the "peaceful natives"
The less you inform yourself, the better the clickbait opinion piece will be
Listen to Daddy Bezos
This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever
its midnight rn
Yes this meme is as old as Persia
Tell em, NOW
hot + cold = room temperature
I'm a deeply closeted gay man
Never mind, I don't want to find out
This is a declaration of War...
Let's Show You REAL Cold Weather
False advertisement
To all Brits out there please don't kill me THANKS
Them who have been kicked out of lots of countries
Julius Caesar after the 16th stab
It’s better
It feels bad, really bad
The fable about the north wind and the sun may have been accurate
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
at times, only the dad left
Who wants to tell her?
It's not my fault, officer, it's because Uranus lined up with mercury and ur anus
Since when has being bad at fascism become a thing to make fun of?
Violence is the answer to all questions
The only time the Fr*nch were right
Lets hope for 2022
Mericans when someone doesn't eat Double Decker Whopper Popper Miracle Whip Frank Kaptain Krunch
It's ok if they don't talk..
A good day to be Roman!
Plot twist: it is her real number
Almost as lame as being named after a disease
no... not him
It could be worse
Netflix… just why…
I wish all my harmful extremists a very content
The key to happiness is finding out how everything is everyone else's fault
This is a sad day guys.
Time really is a flat circle, I guess
Obviously a female body builder would be stronger than a couch potato
Ah yes, R*ddit moment
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 469 ✓
From a news article in December of 2000
Well. I guess I did the right thing in a wrong situation... Still cringing.
time shall flow slow
At least this guy was really good at being a wanker
This post is to raise awareness
Don't forget to include these in your Christmas cookie box
You know your parents suck when they give you a family name as a first name
I look at him, he looks away and then he stares at me so I look away
The "made in Romania" one is just the "Made in Germany" one
It's an exciting time
My siblings to me...
A German soldier in his sexy uniform especially designed to distract the Allied soldiers in battle, circa 1916
Reconstruction of German Town after 1945.
The chosen ones! Or just lucky, I wouldn't know
Goes both ways actually
He was a mama’s boy too
Also those poor people getting yelled by their family
Peaceful protester is pepper sprayed during the Million Man March in 1995
Laughs in Sadness..
its like looking in a mirror
Never happend mate
Just like how I fixed Dogmeat
My only savior
Ad infinitum
They got oofed
Wdym I can't stay?
Something my uncle did
This must be my last dream
Subway on point wit their winter marketing.
They did Rosalind Franklin dirty and she shouldn't be reduced to a footnote in the history of DNA research.
Don't even get me started on thunder gods and snakes.
Cain OP plz nerf