I swear none of them have actually been to a third world country.

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Dashing through the No
We've hit the rock bottom
This guy is an ODU professor and he really said that
Why did you do this to me ?
All hail the nuggets
I hate it when she neglects me
You hate to not see it
Mom didn't raise a ***ing quitter
Jerry is an ***
Do not read this
And then the serial killer sent me to a mental hospital
deja vu
We found nothing wrong in our investigation
Just a shower-thought meme
One day for sure
I have convinced the dream demons that I'm one of them
the memories we shared
inb4 Total Organ Failure
Tokotai moment
Yeah, basically
Thought I went colour blind for a sec
We just are simple creatures.
Average 2b4u enjoyer
After the bullshit of Vietnam and Afghanistan, Lets just hope they pay us back when the Chinese invade us
A lil self love don’t hurt nobody ig
Please don’t use the CSA for unjust south-bashing. It’s dumb and makes you look dumb
Food would attract even a sober me
alien races
Tis the season Dads!
It’s gone
I'm not Lovin it!
Where's your dedication to the craft?
Gonna visit again tomorrow!
This took awhile
I'm sure that's what it is
In 1971 Pakistan invaded Bangladesh, killed up to 3 million people especially intellectuals, destabilized the country and crippled its economy and education system for decades
My Spidey-Sense is Tingling
Today, school was optional because of a 4 hour lockdown yesterday. I came anyway, but noticed I was the only one in math class. Decided to have a little fun
My kid who’s gotten way into tagging will be receiving this in his Xmas card this year
My husband and I met in NYC in 2014. We heard a fight outside our apartment in Brooklyn one night and have repeated one line that was YELLED ever since. Here’s his Christmas gift.
Boxed up for so long
it's not hard, mate
just finished my last exam !
Vladimir Putin fishing in Iran before the Islamic Revolution
A new vision of terror.
Got bored at work, decided to meme the computers.
stones were the original NFTs
how could they not recast the abuser?
What is this "juicer" used for exactly?
Who wants Starbucks?
Dont ask how I made this
Reaching new zones
"1000 years of nothing!!!!"
Such a wonderful character.
Damm this guys all legs!
dark shiete
*sad latino noises*
merry 9/11
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 471 ✓
Plot twist: "Trainee" is her name
Yes, good stuff
An NYC fireman gazes on as the North Tower of the WTC is struck by a plane
I’m all 3
I feel like Heinrich Göbel
Santa's List
Overlord Season 4 is coming
Guess who was his biggest fan?
Anon is unhinged
hello, my name is ian mccullom and welcome to another episode of forgotten weapons today we have a r
In absolute awe at the raw perfection of this lass
We're all in the same community...
POV: Karl Marx writes the Communist Manifesto, 1848
I am Whynne, the creator of Trollface. AMA
The people won't even understand our struggles
My first history meme
Adolf Hitler before the Islamic Revolution
Sen. Bernie Sanders preps for a filibuster,
You'll thank me later.
It’s more convenient to blame a whole gender than accepting your terrible decisions
Stalin was the original catfish
The big head hack glitches out with the cowboy set
And he brought carrots
Some words cut a little too deep
He called a senator karen for just wanting him to pay taxes like everyone else
I'm sorry mom!
Seriously, what happens now?
I love pain for breakfast
The Original Influencer
any goth mommies in the crowd willing to sack Rome?
We all gotta have a standards when stealing cars.
Turns out they like it
Field Guns, anyone?
I like how the cop basically calls him out on his dumb self.
And the Allies never came.