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I forgot my password to my previous account :'(
Hardcore Commenter

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Family Anon attends Travis Scott concert
Further evidence my wife's boss has a sense of humor. This is her Christmas card.
Its not funny anymore
It is Lions
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 473 ✓
Legit sign post
The worst pet
Shamelessly stolen from elsewhere.
What exactly were they trying to spell here?
Bird knowledge
I've always hated emojis anyways
I want garlic bread right now
Citizens are really clever, how about a system where THEY are the rulers!
Not half as bad as the guy who showed his grandpa Girls and Panzer
Androids are cheap!?
As long as we’re talking about weird juicers, what fruit is this for?
The unknown homie
While being in South America
Size matters?
Good job, library!
That was... surprisingly wholesome
Anyone Else remember stampy?
Ok four connnnnnn
Excel for advanced users
Squidward spitting facts
The memes cure my depression
Decay this!
Bob is cool
Monke on killing spree
haha kill baby Hitler
I waited almost a year to post this
Welcome to the uk
I could spoil it but I won’t
This shit is wack
Times never change.
Today, is a good day
show me da wae out of new
different interest
this is just a meme dont kill me lol
Over a dozen illegitimate children, yet not one legitimate heir.
It's all a POV
Iranian fighter pilot before the islamic revplution.
Covid wormhole
No way homie
soda companies killing all their customers
the only difference is i suffer from crippling depression and anxiety
All Hail Santa
very cool Bruce
This graphic tonight is pretty sexual
Will I see Harambe again?
My wife is having a cookie decorating/exchange with a few of her friends. She asked me to bake her some sugar cookies to decorate.
He's returned
Avatar made me hit puberty.
Rotate til it's free!
The car repair business is really wild
feel the difference
This holiday season, please don't do this
I’ll have uhhh...
Amazing what they did for her
New sidewalk in Orenburg, RU. Builders claim that they didn't receive any documentation for the sidewalks from the city and simply "it turned out the way it did"
Merry Christmas you filthy animals
Why they doin us like that?
My brother won the cubical decorating competition this year.
The finest wine
There are 7 things here
Poor dude must have the strongest bones in the world
I've always wondered
Now my food is judging me.
Gotta hand it to odysseus
Shonen fans eating good today
When real men cried....
The Sultan of Oman lives in Zanzibar now
TFW when mercenaries are more loyal then your elite bodyguards.
Which is worse?
I’ll have the usual
Only the truly skilled can go through life on "Hard"
Waifu printer
paranormal cattivity
Go on
Which one of these is your favorite
It's gonna be Ourkraine soon brehs
Finally, salad with nutrients
This at my local hockey rink
My brother collects “action figures”, I’m going to surprise him for Christmas with this work of art.
Betrayal it is
Rem is life
Best bath bomb ever
I apologize to Tadokoro simps
Unsolved misteries
Hmmm...... Tough Choice