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I got 8-Year Club like 3 years ago. Where tf are my 9- and 10-Year Club achievements?
8-Year Club
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Holy shit, how?
About last night
Had to look at the picture a second time
pick right
Apollo 11 astronauts in Quarantine after catching Covid on the Moon,
male fantasy
Been seeing a lot of these lately
Dear diary... I found her
No time for b*tches
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 481 ✓
Now would y’all cop this for your Spartan
dudder bread
Who knew this would be the biggest trend of 2021?
I just, know for some reason
The spirit of Christmas
Today was the day gentlemen
Welcome to the age apartments
Oh no forgot the Mayo
The picture used for Michael Cera's father's knowledge panel by google is just a picture of Michael Cera with a moustache and beard.
Post Taco Bell of course
Boomers invent credit scores just before retiring and watching the world burn from their paid-off homes
How small was his dick to fit in a rat
I'm the latter
Adopting a pet
what winning the lottery can do for you!
Kid who thinks he is a "historian" starter pack
Belly dancing is the highest form of eroticism mankind has produced.
I would be the latter
Tax time
It is the way
Homie was never seen again
The Secession is for ... uh. .. uh.. state rights!
15 year old Ivanka Trump sitting in her father’s lap
The smartest guy in Seattle
She did not even tried to hide the reference.
Timely driving reminder near Mt. Ashland, Oregon:
rewatched this scene and admired his silence
Feed me hooman
Y’all ***ers need JAYSUS
Yeah, it's small and round ,this will do
and one of them js even a waifu
The real grammar boss
It’s always like this
Great cast indeed
gonna tell my kids these were the island boys
Sliced my finger open. Realized after putting on the bandaid that it looked like a lame superhero.
Did his parents lose a bet?
The history behind the history
Michelangelo before starting to paint the Sistine Chapel
New vs old
300^20 IQ
Is Nintendo ok in the head
*loads gun with imperialism*
We made it boys
Just figured it out
You don't get it, mom! It's called historically accurate manliness!!!
One of those
Dumb ***
Not having a streaming service be like
Man befriends a british spherical robot with a crop based name, then the spherical robot gets blind with power And the man has to defeat his british friend
Strangers have feelings too
Eating spicy shit
a surprise to be sure
Are we a joke to you?
It's actually not "Miss"
1941:WW2 - General Blackadder with his most trusted Associates.These Associates had 170+ IQ.
The Muppet Princess Bride
How different countries view "long distance" driving
I was expecting a number to call...
Too damn easy
Wondering what kind of disease it might carry :)
"I'm 30 and I'd like to go back to highschool"
Ngl kinda trash tho
Also Heroes Orchestra
its always like that
Crazy hangover
Guess it.
Comrades8964 Vs Animelover64
The title ran away!
We’re exempt from all the fuss boyzz
Two moods
Construction site toilet poetry
Always protect your Cat
Oh, what a wonderful Christmas
A Meme for life
Anxiety Go brrrrr….
What song is this?
It's that easy SMH
At least let the soldiers go back to their countries after they fought for you...
What have we got here?
Walter plays CS
Just moved and apparently they do not like California
That could have caused a separate Multiverse problem altogether!
At lest 5hat's curable :)