Europeans were famously creative when it came to naming places

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Just end us already
I live in the democratic republic of freedomland
Best Timeline
British history 101.
I like the face she makes
Britain vs Germany
Youtube transforms life time into money
the only NFT fan who talked to a girl
Beauty Scanner
I paint birds being rude. This is my latest.
can I have their internet?
Who saw the Doctor Strange 2 trailer?
Where can I get this so called "relationship"?
Gagarin would be proud.
Three beers, please
Not sure everyone wants this
Just Want A Girlfriend !
My greatest source of comfort
Oh no here it comes
"Say what, hairy ba****?"
Nickelback promo-shoot, 2001
And Argentina believe the islands Is their island
Fight me tankies
I really hope it gets unstuck soon
Six days into the new year and I’ve achieved the impossible.
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 491 ✓
Muzzle loader
Goth spider gf
The danish never lets us down!
He's unstopable
Communist Logic in a Nutshell
I'm raising him right
More like Universal Suggestion of Human Rights
Celsius vs. Fahrenheit
Gamers :)
I always find the right words
The War on Saturnalia has to STOP!
Drinking your way through quarantine: Year 3
Girlfriend's Mom sent this to her. She is LDS too!! Snorted my coffee.
That one time Drake photobombed my families photo .
Fame corrupts
first thing first.
Handed out the last of my business cards this morning
Nice c0ck
It's like rain on your wedding day. It's like two clicks, when one's the law.
Peace negotiations anyone?
fun time
Missed the opportunity
The six day war
Mine Vs. My Wife's Netflix TV Show image suggestions
Britain: it wasn't a war, it was business as usual.
Happy Sangheili noise
Ralph Lauren gives model advices during a photo shooting. 1999
Can we talk about revolution happening in Kazakhstan right now ?
In case someone wonders how Homosapiens managed to best the Neanderthals.
Like nothing happened...
I play both sides so I always come on top
Yep, Sappho was just hanging out with her roommates, nothing to see here.
Hey Al, I know what we’re gonna do today
*** zodiac sign
Deaths of famous generals
We're saved!
And it's all down hill from here
An unsuspecting young german boy who wants to go out and play
My favourite Grand theft
Take my entire stock!
I bet there is an even bigger Buddha behind that
Cats are communists...
Attempt at setting a Guinness World Record
A camping so intense even rival superpowers cooperated
Basque people are secretly badass. They resisted the largest invasion of Europe and were able to preserve and become few handful of non-Indo-European cultures in Europe.
We just annoyed the British into giving up
Just a regular big wooden horse and nothing else
I don't know who creates these product images but yes, let's use a laptop, eat a whole pizza, and have a glass of wine all while being confined to a bath.
rank: the betrayed
He spoke English, German, Latin and French in the recording.
*sad polen noises*
The Black Death
Went from typical teenager to full-blown philosopher within two years. Legend.
It's been over a decade since I got trolled by one of my high school teachers.
All voice chat should include enemies in proximity
My pride won't allow it...unless
Kazakhstan kinda hot atm
Hint : it was *that* Vlad
Very original meme
Haha tourist, you are trapped
Roosevelt's legacy- sending Japanese men women and children to internment camps.
literally 19848
+50 meat +3 leather
Japan in the 1960s:
Kevin Spacey confesses his crimes