Son gave me a Pokemon coin, which I put in my wallet. Had to explain to long-term girlfriend it wasn't a condom when she saw it.

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bad news
I know this is reductive but it is still funny.
Rage inti the night
This guy today made me laugh….
Namibia seems a lot emptier all of a sudden
*Waiting intensifies*
found this and loved it
Red Scare in a nutshell
I think you know what I’m talking about
true disappointment
Spanish civil war be like:
the chads
My kid takin a wicked shit
Mhhhm Polska
If she wants the snow she gotta hear the show
grow up
Especially looking at you east Asia
Man wrestles giant worlds largest cat, 1956.
You're saying Bokuben and Dragon Maid season 3 is down there? To the drain we go!
Degenerate title time: UwU
This is why we travel in pairs to the "bathroom."
Spain, you played yourself
Uncropped and recorded. Best quality.
I have crippling porn addiction
Guaranteed miss
I dunno man seems happy to me
which button
I think we have Vikings too romanticized or at least other equally interesting cultures categorized as simple barbarians.
Just Russian things...
"I didn't think much of it" ~ these people, probably
I'm never gonna financially recover from this
Hey kids do you want a fun and epic adventure where you can get lifelong PTSD?
Comment nice butts for reference
I am not like other femboys
The Terminal with NoVac
Taiping Moment
Cuz we got other shit to do
The Southern US argues why it needs slavery still
Got anything to say?
We just weebs after all
Ah yes, printing money is a great idea
Bow vs Crossbow be like....
America Finally Beats Racism,
Coronavirus: Are you challenging me?
Just saw this on Twitter and it’s got me dyinggg
I’m going with The Notorious l.a.r.g.e.
I’m going to just believe Freddy did this on purpose
Respect my boundaries pls
Who honestly knows at this point
British vs German Navy be like......
Nice rocks
There's no Oversimplified reference here
Cartoon Vs Realism
is it too late for me to jump on this bandwagon?
55 Days at Perking , if this kind of Post already exists tell Me
I mean, how pathetic do you have to be to do that?
France vs Britain be like......
Heh heh heh...
RIP Betty White
Not kidding, the USS Nevada just refused to sink
What is this new Star Trek called?
Fair enough.
Studies show it do be like that
These type of people shouldn't exist.
What’s your record?
torrent master
I’ll try my best
Or not...
Beat me up, Mommy Satan UwU
buy stocks
The first emperor of China undertakes PCR test
Queen Victoria British Museum Winston Churchill Falklands War
This trend needs to stop
dislike the french
the nutroom
I think a title :1
Abandon all cringe ye who shitpost here
Joke...joke don't kill me ╏ ” ⊚ ͟ʖ ⊚ ” ╏
it's good
Alaska Purchase
crypto bros
Please help
Unidentified Afro American soldier delivers the famous thousand-yard stare after a battle in Vietnam
POV: Charles Darwin discovers homologous body structures, supporting his theory of evolution
Saw this in IKEA showroom…
cool way to spend the day
sad times we live in