France: ha u cans not attack us Germany: *goes around* France: Frick! U cheater

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If peter tampered with the spell one more time
Wrong Answers only
What’s your funky nft name?
stop sending me this shit.
Cursed Age Restrictions
Looks very promising
Crossbow discussion between Europe and China be like....
Sigmund Freud at a narcotics anonymous meeting
Dont say it DONT YOU ***ING SAY IT
What even is an isekai?
Save the turtle
And if they say "not wingdings" you can just use wingdings 2
Hospitals are hiring anyone these days.
I dont get why they hate on it its really not bad
Not exactly high-tech
Like, 'splain dat shit.
R2…ride or die!
It’s risky after the second comment
Here we are now
Looking forward to March!
Advert for YouTube- 1953
My package arrived empty, Amazon offered me a new item if i sent the other back in less that 30 days. That might be a problem.
Who remembers this show?
Just don’t bring your pig with you
Buckle up buckaroo
Not sure if they celebrate or make monuments to Nazis in Argentina like they do with Confederates in Brazil though.
A guide to common engineering terms
-97267283 social credit
Just now on ESPN
We all know this won't happen!!!!!!
I'm Being Hacked!
Raid two, electric boogaloo
keep on dreaming
Thanks waiter, i hate it...
with the blue eyes
what's your favorite kind of cookie?
I think this is allowed, I thought it was funny. First time posting, hope it’s not a repeat.
It is only her body that matters
25 yo marvooler
This battle will be legendary
Noo don't step on him
Do what you want as long as its quietly
I don’t know that I’d want to live on this road in Colorado
It was so fun watching Crunchyroll and Funimation crash yesterday. I totally called it.
That House?
Skyrim is Eternal
I think this is genius
My coworker fell down a flight of stairs and this is what my manager wrote on the schedule
In the supermarket for 21 years
They could be playing around with legos all day and I'd still watch
i just
President Barack Obama is inaugurated into office
Speaking of nothing, the possible kinks in Potter-world must be beyond ***ed up
I guess if you make that much money you don’t notice a random extra bill lol.
also teh stains
shot in 4k
OMG take my free award
Why is pasta weird?
Aqua’s business venture
Archduke Franz Ferdinand on the day of his assassination
Clippy has seen some shi…
BRB gonna go stockpile vaseline
Vladimir Putin throws his first victim from a window circa 1960
Why did I even make this
Am i the only one who's noticed this
He's doing what?
Do you like it?
puff daddy
I think both are great
When Anti-Americans runs out of topics during an Anti-Americans rant
As a French I can relate
What a way to welcome best girl of this season
A symbol of wealth among the pigeon community.
Petition to make Wojtek the mascot for this sub
Who do Europeans joke about the most?
Avenge him
Hundred bucks for canceling that magazine subscription I took just to end the call.
A GOT reference in the wild
Hello pandemic.
he wanted it
Crazy, innit?
Beginning of the Second Kashmir War
Most of you will disagree
"What a giant load of carp"
I mean, he’s got a good point
Needs more films
British Raj