"You're welcome. You don't have to pay bills and go to work" lol

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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First time I saw the "research" excuse actually be valid
Closing lines of Albert Einstein's address at Oxford University
Messing with My Wife
The Right Camera
Biggie Cheese has tragically died in a sexual escapade
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 502 ✓
Meeting Siri In Real Life
Nothing new in the news
Even tax evasion? Insider trading?
wt moment
I will provide details
clown world
My microwave just called me a child for hitting on its top for 4 times ‘cuz the timer was all screwed up.
Always give 100 percent
Crime documentaries in a nutshell
Never never give in, give up
That’s some serious dedication to the job .
Watch your speed
I don't know how to caption this
we can only dream
Pencil is the ultimate writing tool
The Teacher Pet
At this point she got used to it
The Soviet Union aides North Vietnam with weaponry during the war
Adds an extension
The oldest trick in the book
what a good boy
once there was this squirrel
Of course many Irish-Americans did both
10/10 would visit again, umm... for the coffee!
Flat is always JUSTICE XD
War crime between three, two, one
The Dancing Plague, still better than the bubonic one.
What the fu...
Definitely the best way to do it
Stalin wasn't a good father
Now draw him buying a carton of eggs
Flat S A K U R A
OJ Simpson winds down at home after a long day at work
To the shadow realm and beyond!
Esther was awesome
hug pls
The catholic church wouldn't be the catholic church without some persecutions
Michael I of Romania did a lot at a young age
sweet dreams
Seriously, who the hell are these guys?
1500s be like
Sigma Female
My wife and my “fortune” from our dinner.
Love my gym
Fast and the baldness.
Written and directed by George Lucas
Probably would have made Charlemagne too powerful
I only exist within the boundaries of my mind
The life of a lurker is so exhausting
What a great view
One day I'll understand the mechanics behind why that happens
Pair of sneaky sneakers working for Soviet Union...
Mostly 2nd one but sometimes 4th
The absolute unit of the Spanish colonialism
Sorry if your favorite isn’t on here, but I could only put in so many
Beating a Dead Horse Before the Iranian Islamic Revolution
I hate my room
Also in my garage.
Major Armstrong is the best waifu.
Not the best move
If I was in Tatsumi position
those eyes.....
Probably recycling but this is really good
A prisoner in Guantanamo Bay refuses to talk even after days of sensory deprivation torture
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Begins
Why YouTube
"Hey you, you're finally awa-OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!"
Are you sure...
Taco Bell PSA
This can’t be good
The Orc commits sudoku out of frustration. Your way is clear.
I love my cat
Shane just wants what's best for his people.
Having some fun during construction
The Choctaw-Irish Brotherhood
It ain't much but it's honest work.
"Did i miss something? Oh..." -Yusuf Pasha
Where can i find it?