Mitch McConnell takes the oath of the United States Senate.

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Now I want East German waifu
Riddle me this
Uno reverse card
Go fine difficult pete
just avoid calling NATO they'll ruin the fun
danger dog
Tonight’s biggest loser is…
Pepe/apu a day - 20 falling pepe
Nice unsinkable you got there. Be a shame if someone...
the beeeeeeesss
I finally found them
Sorry Rebecca Black, you was just a child, didn’t expect the world hate you
Oh no! anyway.
If you don’t know who Lavrenti Beria was, just know that Stalin was smart for telling his daughter to get the *** out of his house
2 8
E as in Eye
Guess the caption
Eye think they might be on to something…
who tf is this guy
Blessing in disguise.
My sister took this pic today
This meme is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
Definitely a bird
Wort wort!
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 505 ✓
Let’s have a discussion
His face is proof
guys i got an unpopular opinion
German Citizenship Test
Lord Ayuwoki
pretty much all of the internet
Im not friends with epstein….
Ancient graffiti is discovered in the ruins of Pompeii
Seen in South Dallas, don't think I would qualify.
haha yes
Weebs: i fear nothing.....
big man
Seriously surprising they were able to make it to 1453
Wait, eat what?
Nothing More To Say !
Including, but not limited to, hygiene, academia, the "oppression" of the Church, homosexuality, economics, so on and so forth. Feel free to ask, and I'll cite you a source.
That's an inflated ego
Just whyyyy
Kingdom Hearts 4 Leaked Storyline
where are my fellow crypto investors?
Mark Zuckerberg taking a selfie after upgrading to new eyeballs with better resolution
Which was your first?
fortunate son
You guys really shouldn't order on amazon
the intentions are good
Mobile games are next level
wh— what are you doing step-neighbours???!?
Maria Theresa had to be crowned as the 'King' of Hungary because there was no provision for female rule in Hungarian law.
Your dick. I take it.
get your girl
time to revive the Ra cult
A new NEW hope
A history of banking and segregation
Got my leg tattooed
lol British army
Diggy diggy hole
Based Father Material Anon chooses Coco over smashing
Next level shop name
Yes, it was
I would make that face too if a fly sat on my nose
He just like me
Neutrality: A Swiss Story
This ability has kept me away from women in bed though.
The tellers all have this vacant expression, but the interest rates are great
should I give it a try tho?
Elon u ok?
*** the CIA
imagine trying to explain the emos that all of them will be replaced with trannies in a few years
Please, Stop harassing workers to beat this dead horse of a joke.
But at what cost
sick moves
Pawns of the world, unite!
It’s was a gift from a Demi-God
The most powerful monarch of the time leading an expedition against some insignificant pirates, what could go wrong?
Worst feeling D:
i can't be the only one worried by this??
Don’t be a Richard.
My mind In examination hall.