Working on a calendar of me enjoying all the seasons.

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Queen Elizabeth II prepares to celebrate her golden jubilee
For four days Kazakhstan legally was the USSR until it seceded on the 16th
Chuckle Brothers
Hannibal Barca
The Ressurection of Jesus Christ,
Is it just me or...
Some double standards should stay that way
July 4th, 2176 will be Mars Independence Day
Double Neko
Theseus can slay any monster
47 million people
Homemade meme
Canola oil
Sign on my local Chinese Buffet
the know
Who needs hopes and dreams
explain this
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 514 ✓
Scientifically accurate?
I'm kind of a historian myself
the turks
Thank you random citizen!
Turns out there were still plenty of them
Imagine if they drew a straight line
I don't remember this episode of Re:Zero at all...
Guess who's getting overthrown
When some dutch give you a stick with a rod on it
just two more questions...
for the east coasters
Dunkin Donuts BiCentennial , NYC
Meanwhile in the Motherland
Only real Chads sleep face first
Must be for Camel toes
Y'all Gotta have a wide variety of tastes
I don't about you but this just makes me hungry
Add akebi chan too
Cease the French surrender jokes
Croc ‘o shit
Damn. She must really love soccer!
Cheddar days are coming...
Komi-san's power...
the cost
Erwin Smith Would Be Proud
By Christian Tucci.
This is what I personally saw
Bob's Work from Home vs. Office
For the ''occupied'' peps...
i'm not shot, i'm compact
dark honest
Gamers, anyone?
I had been fooled by the lighthearted cover of the anime.
Pokemon got a lot weirder
Posting Aharen-san memes until the anime adaptation date #19
he didn't stand a chance
Seriously stop i wanna see other memes
Why do they do this
First settlement in Alabama
The final solution to polution
they banned me
How many U-hauls ...
You would
Why watch Marin when you can make your own version?
These radio messages are the creepiest shit ever
You shall know despair
Collosal bento
Made in the abyss is truly one ***ed up... I mean wholesome anime
I couldn't help but think of this while watching this scene.
No offense to any paleontologists
If we assume translated biblical text for history
$5000 for an image file? It's just like my apes
In honor of Texas book ban
cows vr 2
damn he's dedicated
Like that would ever happen
Microwaved Rob Zombie. Lol
zelda 2 was the only good zelda game
the american dream
it baffles me that we only found out at the end of the war
I could stay here for hours
bomberman time
Sigmund Freud: the mad lad
Bad dragon
If it evokes emotions is it art?
Tucker Calrson becomes a man on prom night, San Diego, California
"Please take a seat"
Smooth as sandpaper.
Think new protags we don't wanna get bored
We are evolving just backwards!!