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you may be cool but you've never been amianas drew my profile pic cool breh
or maybe you are i dont know ->

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Chosen, get in the swamp, or the pygmy will have to do it
Catapult stance. Remove the weights and see what happens
Genius idea why didnt i think of that, he should be part of the UN
Do it asap
Why don't you understand?
They call him "Ghost of Kyiv" - ultimate badass and/or most metal propaganda in decades
New material
Ahhh normality
My "anime to watch" list is still growing
Ha, women
Remember Marco? Well he is back and he is safe!!
It's funny because he used to be a comedian
They pay me to paint not move gravel.
Got Chinese food for dinner, this was my fortune
My daughter was six when she decided to attend a Halloween princess party dressed as a mime
The guy who brought my pizza was drifting I guess
Zenitsu is cheesed
Everybody's getting the gang back together
Just something wholesome
yes you can
like with slov_
lol the russians couldn’t beat the taliban either
Ukraine closed due to aids
same goes for this place
Leeroy Jenkins
Oh what?
the virus
no son
Let them know!!
They're waiting
Exactly what it is
When the side couple is better than the main pairing
Dear Humans who happen to be Russian
What a play
big sad
Good Luck little buddy
man in uniform
real men cry
Classic explorer
guy know how to play it
the horror
Pepe/apu a day - 55 despite only being 13%
WW3 is toxic masculinity
First day on the job VS. 5 years later
I am seriously trying to study.
a hero
Stoicism is invented
My wife is Mexican
my parents everyone
HL eurovisionposting is threatened
Literally nobody:
Good night sweet prince :(
Me Vs. Russia
Well more fed up than tired..
Depressed weebs
Massive respect for the Ukrainian ambassador of the U.N
I knew it would be helpful
When regret hits
It really gonna be like that.
Uncanny Luigi
Tehno heika banzai
Tengen Uzui is a Legend.
Quite the feeling
Hmm makes sense
Dis is fiiiiiiiinneew
I'm just trying to live bruh
My mom keeps getting HOA letters about leaves in her yard. This is her response.
Where they all at?
Hope we will play again
Some saying he is hard to find ..
Respect++ to Romania
Getting awkward up in the international space station
Me on the premier of the season
We can do better
Good luck kids
brehbioli will u go to the eastern front and fight for us breh
A bad influence
Yeah, this aint gonna end well.
To everybody saying "Why isn't the UN doing anything?": These are basically their only options.
Fullmetal Alchemist and Demon Slayer are quite similar
Kind of rude really...
If you've worked the night shift at a gas station, you know this type of creepy person...