They have a powerful message. I just wish we could figure out what it is.

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Bro seriously
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Just noticed this sign at my local movie theater as I was leaving.
marin doing things the opposite way
That's a roast....
Venezuela 2.0 incoming
My biggest dream
Still completely support and stand with Ukrainian people but y'all are hypocrites
What a douche canoe
It's a fair point.
How my employer gave us his two week notice....
I might get hate for this but it needs to be addressed.
It seems to happen alot
Lmao got em
smells fishy
good luck
How do you come back from this?
What a difference 120 years can make, from innocence to why you’re laughing now
I saw this graffiti on a pier a couple years ago and I still think about it often
"I need ammunition, not a ride"
French school of warfare
Not now, not now or never?
My husband went to pick up a few groceries alone. I got a call from him for advice every few minutes.
Eren helps a friendly neighborhood Spiderman
My friend is a paraplegic and wore his Christmas gift for the first time. Everyone seems to approve of it!
Heck, I can’t even imagine waking up any earlier than 2pm
love the one you're with
My climatologist daughter made me a birthday card
My head hurts now.
No more tri poloski
Noah begins to build his Ark,
Sieg Bananaaa!
Cybernetic arm.
thats gonna get ya about 2 dollars
I will never buy one now
Gojo Chad
Don't take a hitman to take me down
Did someone lose their cauliflower in the Pacific?
Fighting talk!
Life of an Artist.•
Free tattoos anyone
Colonoscopy tomorrow, clear liquid diet today. So I'm making myself a nice, peach jello on jello sandwich.
Don't go outside
After 72h+ of resistance there's a joke going around between Ukraine soldiers:
open up nibba
benis :DD
this is serious shit
You can only hope it's the first one
World celebrates as Putin ends war to prevent further special aids deployment from USA, 1991
Based on a true greentext
We’re back baby
that one dilbert episode
1965 photo of school kids listening to Yoko Ono sing "Imagine".
I guess he's really gone mad
And no, I didn't leave a voicemail
anon make friends
Someone cut this out of our men's bathroom, it definitely gave me a laugh
finally something new after 2 whole seasons of pandemic arc
Baseball Simulator 1.000
put a ring on it
Metallica sings Enter Sandman as Soviet Union dissolves, 1991
I'll never forgive the Italians
Im getting tired of seeing all the demon slayer hate on this sub.
The Battle of Olympus
Bussy Origins
Damn I'm getting old
Bases Loaded 4
We’re a joke
Bad News Baseball
Decisions decisions . .
Daily Nichijou meme #1411
No food shall be wasted
Honestly it's pretty close
“adios mother ***er”
The Bard's Tale
Kickin' ass left right and center
Double the eyepatch, double the power!
the real psychological warfare
Mostly the governments tho
Mitt Romney and Barack Obama at the final presidential debate
stop staring at the empty corner! there's nothing there!
I might get hate for this but I don’t care
Well, seems pretty advanced
Keep up the good work, lads.
First digital recording of a biblically accurate angel going for a splash
Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge