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Jean Your Seconds Ready
Look up
Issac Newton publishes laws of physics, 1689
This is NATO country!
it's time you guys learn what POV is
My friend got stuck in his work lift and this happened
Opium of the masses, for the masses, by the masses.
you weren't supposed to do that!
Meme discovered in Ancient Greece
Wall Street reacts to the crash of the Beanie Baby market.
where my quick readers at
Idc if I’m paying more attention to the words!
winter 2022
Why would people do this
na *** dusinig the shit of
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 560 ✓
I’ll never know which one was wearing the boots and it’s all I can think about.
Wake up, samurai
there are 2 types of protagonists
We’re off to a great start with the new puppies.
2 number 9s
It’s an old format but it works
The name itself sounds like a menace
I think we’re going to need a bigger room
smug dog
Lets hope he can keep his word.
Thank god, I am not born in July.
C'mon, it'll be fun!
give the man his cocaine!
noticing a pattern here...
kaguya and the president have been in this game for way too long
Fuwa Fuwa Time is at 4:20
anon likes sucking balls
fren posting
That's some sick beats you've got there.
I'm gonna stop you right there.
damnnn they got the mill in there
"Gojo" should be the name of a waifu magnet
Are you a boy or a girl?
That must be why I'm scrawny
chimpanzees are no better than humans
Who's out here riding on a teaspoon of gas?
We were recently gifted this rattle for our daughter, but all I can picture are Truck Nuts
Damn.. it's killing me..
It's the 90's all over again.
Look and ye shall find.
They called it blackface, he called it training
science is truly amazing
I'm late for the party
the chair is :D : D :D
Chomusuke’s Homemade Soup
horse c u m
The perfect store branding does exist.
1915’s Alchemy
Umbrella be walking.
Good morning sirs
I wonder what went wrong here that made them put this here. lol
who needs sleep when you need to farm some primogems
Eh not like that's gonna stop me.
Six consecutive W-words
Excel is life. Life is Excel
This 1904 cartoon featuring England walking away from Germany arm in arm with France was and is the OG distracted boyfriend meme
An Empire has privileges
for as many topics i can
President Carter Occupies Okinawa base Japan Circa 1945
Ribbit Gold
Introducing "The Pebble"
Sesame Plantation colorized from a 1969 textbook
I don’t feel like masturbating anymore
The glory of Rome is eternal!
How to lose your job: step one;
Jussie Smollett Attacker convicted!
This is what you call a propaganda
I typed in your symptoms and it says you might have internet connectivity problems
mrbeast moment
Gas companies fear him
My boyfriend’s self proclaimed beach trip plan for us this wknd…
Idk what happens afterwards
it's going to be an awkward ride back
Follow the signal
reasonable rebuttal
They would get along just fine
21st century Einstien
Dr Peppa
It would be difficult to explain to a child why Bill Clinton was impeached