April Fool’s pranked by my 11 yo child - super proud parent moment.

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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Short term memory
Woke up early to pull off this epic prank on my wife. She gonna be so pissed!! :)
Community service is important
They know how to craft saddles
An interviewer at the Vienna Art Academy rejects an eager applicant
Monkey Getting Trolled for April Fools Day
Mein Kraft
But seriously wtf happened.
It was a (^._.^)=b breakfast
It's positive!
Kanahana is the best VA, so diverse!
We’ve all been here at some point
They also used fences
Rod casting instead of podcasting
hahah minecraft meme
Crypto farming is a joke (this post is satire)
Wake up babe. New definition of "balls deep" just dropped
Anyone ever just...?
the progress of modern medicine
Did you just use the laser engraver for a non-work related purpose?
Modern Problems Require modern innovations
Animemes ***ing suck
a very interesting tit
Starting our Meme Empire | Details in Pinned Comment
Make it stop
I am not like them but I can pretend
Miracle of Fátima. Portugal. 1917.
I told you I was busy
Change your mind
New Orleans.
Water can be thicc too if you join the Axis-cult.
We need to cook estrogen.
It's not fair
Maybe that’s a bit too much
The don'ts of visiting France
oh shit bro
Dwayne Johnson in the lead role of Dwayne Johnson.
Wow, good for them…
If he says so
Sometimes you just need to chill.
One is not amused.
Lucky ass
Nug life
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 575 ✓
Inflation hitting hard
Did this at my families pizza shop.
Ferdinand Magellan accepts a challenge
the only correct way
No need to thank me. :)
fun parents
"Could you lift him a bit higher?"
High after surgery
love santa
praise the lord
Hint, he needed a strategy
Socialists can't cope
With memes like these, who needs reason?
Just gotta keep them in their place
Cristero War Intensifies
full of spite
why are cartoons so political nowadays?
Welcome to the circle of wankers
The Achaeans did a little bit of trolling
imagine thinking physics is real
Really says a lot
Ambassador Naotake Satō was possibly one of the only people in Imperial Japan’s government with realistic expectations
I have been here for months. Only now has the bear revealed itself.
Polish-Hunarian relations are strong
Best wish ever
*** it..Portable cloud!
Hey, they started it!
Sadly Very True
credit where its due
jav-a style
Rock on!
Also has Pez as a physic dog
He said it! He said the thing!
the culture begins
You designed the weird ass vector processors
History doesn’t care about what you believe
a flag