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I'm back for now. I don't have any alt accounts. Identity theft isn't a joke!

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This driver wakes up and chooses violence on a regular basis…
The war on terror comes to a sudden end
Listen to your elders
How a local window tinting company advertises its services.
Everybunny was kung fu fighting ♪
Congratulations: you just played yourself.
Le onee-san has arrived
Our Darling Returns!
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria posing as a mummy while in Cairo, Egypt. 1894.
Subway restaurant’s garbage and recycling both go into the same bin.
Man's so rich I wouldn't be surprised
How my pizza place gives you parmesan
Caught this driving by my local veterinarian
You don't want to be in them
It's that time of the year again, yall know what that memes
There we go 15 years for me in Siberia
Real life hack!
Saturday now gives us three shows to watch, including Aharen-san
Nikola Tesla sends the first telegram to Thomas Edison
Holy See? Nah, Holy Geese ( ゚ω^ )b
I hope the best for them!
She is literally doing the dishes too.
When my history teacher emails us to remind us about homework he attaches a meme. This is one of the memes he sent. If you guys want me to I'll post more of his memes.
Eugene Bullard, a American hero.. you should read on him
I’m sorry bloodly one
Teach me thy ways, o wise ones
RTX graphic cards power
The hills are alive with the sound of........
whatever i want
I’m not saying anyone deserved anything that happened, but at one point Japanese culture was literally “if I surrender I am worth nothing.”
Away with you!
It you ever think you have screwed up too bad, remember you're not alone
Zoomers struggle
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 581 ✓
That's what I call a happy middle
Chad (?)
wtf do i do
Portugal is underrated
or you get a sad meal
If you were wondering what da viking dog doing
Archduke Island Boys
Xerox PARC employees begin experimenting with Copy and Paste
The Biweekly Manga reading experience
I’m not saying he’s good, but people ignore his accomplishments and exaggerate his flaws.
Anyone else have an existential ever few months growing up?
the toilet paper revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
My Dad had eye surgery and my mom asked where he wanted to go for lunch after, so here we are..
Maybe the real river monsters were the friends we made along the way
The house in the meta verse, the NFTs and the porn collection
Fun times for whoever this mans was
waiting for attack on titan shippuden
Kanna’s Bedtime
Daddy needs to check something
What do you mean you can't do that in a hospital?
Hugh Hefner taking his first photo for Playboy Magazine
Not the Russians that's for sure
They also renamed frankfurters and later French fries.
This happened to me too
Must be a Barbarian
Put your ѕhit together
Don’t move! They can’t see us if we don’t move.
I also post it.
You could almost say the Reign of Terror 'sliced' right through the heart of revolutionary French Society
Truth Retort
I was method acting.
FPS are hard
Korean Burger place just come right out and say it.
“I’m 6 parallel universes ahead of you”
It's beautiful ;_;
You won't be hearing them anytime soon
How many times before I learn the lesson
alexander moment