good news everyone!
good news everyone!


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Steel_Warrior · 4 points · 2 years ago
I don't get it. Wouldn't that decision just mean states that want to ban abortion can do so now? The rest of the states that want to keep them can just, idk, keep them?

realDonaldTrump · Verified · OP · 4 points · 2 years ago
Yes thats exactly what would happen. The thing is that the different states want to force what they want on the other states too

Bluetortoise123 · 6-Year Club · 1 points · 2 years ago
This is a good thing because it helps the US improve the integrity of it's legal system. They can revoke it, only to use another amendment to solidify abortion rights. Sadly, all these people outraged don't understand what they are mad about.

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