Equal rights for unequal fights

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biggestclit · Commenter of the Day · 4 points · 2 years ago · parent
Basically the US Women's team made a deal with US Soccer with a bunch of regular job benefits that includes guaranteed money regardless of result with healthcare and such (Low Risk, Low Reward). The US Men's team made a deal without any guaranteed pay or any social benefits (based), but they would get more money, the better they perform in tournaments (High Risk, High Reward). Since the US Men's team blow at football they have not gotten a lot of money from their deal, they would have made more money with the Women's deal and the other way around since the US Women are quite successful.
Also Women's football is a ***ing joke, the "elite" are at a level of a 15 year old boy in any academy. Don't get why since football isn't too reliant on physicality, see Messi or any other short ***.
Also Women's football is a ***ing joke, the "elite" are at a level of a 15 year old boy in any academy. Don't get why since football isn't too reliant on physicality, see Messi or any other short ***.
Migalhas · Wise · 3 points · 2 years ago
Finnaly the explanation I've been waiting for. Makes sense, thanks dude. And yes, technique > physical
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