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Hey, at least they tried
War boosts research
Ahh yes, True Roman Virtue
just here for ryan
8 I
Democracy in motion
easy peasy wallet squeezy
This is a 4th of July LARP in Poland where they role-play being Americans.
Quite ELEGANT indeed
simple as
George havin a lil slip
buff dudders
Joe Biden receiving one N-word pass from President Barrack Obama
a greek soldier inside the trojan horse, 1194 BC, colorized
Caught in 4K, ***.
Still could be worse
walking in the rain is a white privilege
it's a bass pro shop
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 623 ✓
Truly a master in the area of linguistics
SuperOmega3 be like
Asdf movie reference
Heh goes though the family
that’s a cheesy trap
George Relden Ring Martin
did i say too much?
Circa 1903, the creation of the fingerprint.
Found in the OR staff bathroom
How many of you remember "A Goofy Movie"?
There are 2 types of friends
I mean ......
The answer to global warming
What goes around comes around.
I HEARD she is Evil
You will get nothing!
Is the Busytown butcher chopping up his family?
The most quiet room in the world
Bill Gates releases the worlds first ‘bird’. The Condor drone for mass surveillance. 1905
take my picture
I'm skeptical
It’s that time of the year again…
Cheers !
Well it's almost always also hormones though
Typical BMW
A dream truly worth living for
Good grief Sarah
I got a horny mf in my sights
The scientific term is "Palm Reading"
No she isn't a minor she is 400 years old.
Worth it
Hey Ogre
You got no ***es?
that's what they say
I fear my new Jordans might be knock-offs
Do NOT pet the fart squirrels
this should be the right move
I do enjoy SxF to bits... but the anime world simply ain't ready for Chainsaw Man!
A new hand touches the beacon
Always bring a condor to the seks
Peter damn trusted Naruto for NEVER GIVING UP,,Poor soul Peter.
coomer moment
It's more like a family wreath than a tree at that point.
Sigma rule nr 34: always promote your personal brand
Sigma rule nr 35: opportunity means business
Romans be like
Giving importance to the important members of society
The ultimate offer
Roe V. Wade
Circa 1962, creation of M.A.D. doctrine
Time to play with fire
David vs. Goliath circa 1100 BC
The signature smile
Cries in Polish
It's an anime about bubbles...
post your best gay jokes
it kinda slaps though
Do you know why there are police dogs but not police cats?
Switching genderfluids
Luciano Pavarotti is practicing for his premier of Madame Butterfly
I’m bad and that’s Good!
I really tried my best to paint this well for my Mom for Mother's Day.
how is anya so strong?
Another Heard one
We’re not going to make it are we?
Manscape for the job you want
Just saying it, you are ruining a potentially good series
*Cries in acid*
The first ever x-ray of a smoker’s lungs
Beginning of the Great Depression 1929 A.D
It’s almost like this isn’t India at all
Thank you for the picture, King.
This little maneuver is going to cost us 51 years
My daughter was asked to smile and I thought it looked familiar