Jeff Bezos presents an early prototype of his Falcon 9 rocket

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My son puts more thought into how to spend his 46 tokens at the prize counter than most people put into investing their life savings.
Great ad placement
I'll show you.....
Where da frog at?
Everyone should be able to do it
Damn sneaky
I will always love how the vet showed up on my credit card statement a few years ago
It's all "dicks out for Harambe" until the genital sores start showing up.
Maybe she’s hanging with Tom Hollandest?
Severus Snape protects the golden trio from the Warewolf 1994
Parenting guide
Aye, how’s your future looking now?
Meme magic
Shire posting
My wife’s note to our graduating son vs. mine
god bless
Adolf Hitler fails to enter the Vienna Academy of Arts, 1907.
Easily the most underrated general, Khalid Ibn Al-Walid.
Weet smoggers
Not a human after all...
a smart man
The French Revolution
sh... should I?
When did the sun set on the British Empire?
cool cop
Shikimori Isn't Just A Cutie / Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
I looked up illegal baby names in different countries and uh…
knives are pretty
I think it is time we all agreed on a unit of measurement
"Heh" - Anya Forger, 2022
Men go brrrr
For mother...
children stop fighting!
You got it Anya. Waku Waku
The first Wolfenstein 3D convention is a massive success.
Europeans :)
clnfused unga bunga noises
Love at first punch
A Drawing of mommy
speedrunning relationships
accelerate entropy
Age check...
Ducking elegant!!!!
Jamal is the best anime ever!
I get the feeling this isn't the sender's real name.
This is how monkeypox got started.
He’s out there… somewhere
Sign outside a local tattoo parlor in Michigan
He finally got out
Special post fur zee Germans
so I followed the trend...
he can't keep getting away with it
Dad took her phone, and then slid this paper under her door.
I dunno man, I really thought she was the one
That one time the DNC shot themselves in the foot, 2016.
Arnold getting some stretching in
boats are cool
Can You say "No Yamate"?
Vince Coleman, gigachad of the century.
almonds activated
Proof I bought a donut.
Comrade Brezhnev
Vlad the MasterChef
Apparently this cat enjoys sneaking into a health center and napping.
Netflix on its way to backwash characters again
''Is this what happens while I wait for my order'' - Revolver0celot
Anya to the world.
Found this buried in a group chat and have been laughing at it for a solid 10 minutes
Kurt Cobain attempts to reach the trigger
health advice
Pizza Hut back at it again with the advertising
Jesus arrives at Capernaum
*guitar riff*
Zoro finally met his match
You know what else is just a number 9-1 ***ING 1
Beat The Devil Out of Him
Waku Waku as always
Same Denji
My husband took pics of me sleeping so gracefully
lol Beast Boy
Up up and away!!
this needs to happen every night
We can do it. I believe in us.
That one sock
I had bad luck today