Both of them survived many assassination attempts during Cold War

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Holy shit that's one of the most smooth moves a man can pull
A One Punch Man Live Action movie has been announced, directed by Justin Lin
Character select screen be like
There's definitely room for both of them
The real monster of Stranger Things… Will’s barber
Still Taking mad shit for someone with such a flamable countryside
His bankai was spittin facts.
Say racism no to respect
I swear, Lost Causers are almost as dumb as Holocaust Deniers
"They aren't supposed to fire back!" - the gang members, probably
posted this on another sub but it got taken down so I'll post it here
How much elegance?
very interesting
Nooo you can't criticize that, I already formed my whole personality around it!
who's cutting onions over here?
Found this in a drawer at an old house we’re renovating
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 650 ✓
those memories still follow me to this day
Found at work today
Remember the sacrifices these brave men made for their country
Greentext by an AI. now people on 4chan have to get jobs
Workers drywalled the temporary lighting on our job site
Cat burglar
Daily Machikado Mazoku #26 Now go kill a God
Anya's expression is cute
It's not the same
When life gave him lemons, he made beef stew
Idk what to write
They don't forgive, either
do it!
Think they’ll fall for it again?
Living in Ukraine in 2022
Good Lord
It's always hype, and it never gets old
First there was crying and then there was laughing. Much laughing. Don't worry the baby is fine ;)
Vladimir Lenin invites a young worker into the bolshevik party 1917
They were really stylish
Average Hugeloler's funeral
Today we celebrate the UK’s victory over Argentina
The Japanese put baking soda in their pasta
Chad Liechtenstein
Martin Luther’s First draft of his 95 Theses
Nice throw!
last man standing
CGI technology really has come a long way
Good ol' Russian reversal
Something something Korean War
We all know that one person
Justin's nut
Understandable reaction
Seconds before disaster.
Come visit Romania
Give the man his milk.
Why have the Gods cursed me So
Everyone goes boom in history
Mama mia indeed...
Regen is better
New big boi in town
Food poisoning implies that it was ever actually food
they really do be spying
My duckies
You’re welcome!
More adventure time memes
well thats just ***ed up
How Italian?
I'm pretty sure babies don't have cell phones or wallets.
Bully Yor
Tag the Anti-Work noobs
A lot of parents, actually.
rip tito
Swear this guy teaches my moms spin class
What the dog doin’
I was using my phone camera to check how evenly I had trimmed my beard and ended up with an oddly unsettling photo…
I hate my body for this
I hope I don't.
Black cat said no
Not before my first coffee
the urge
Books destroy society!!
how other people see you
I wasn’t too sure where to post this but someone might get a kick out of it. This is how I tan
"if you're bi and you date the opposite sex you're not really Bi"
God knows I'm not
no comment
every museum in Europe and North America be like
Which button?
I'd make that deal
Mobile American Embassy offloading from military cargo jet, circa 2002
oh oh
I actually burst out laughing as he came around the corner
I seem to have self inflicted damage on myself