idk shit about it, I'm just out here making memes ya'll

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German > Dutch ?
It never is
this birb has a point
this here is why you gotta fvck before marriage...
someone is very angry that we had to put a makeshift cone on him for the night
she does not know
Starlight Anya is a different Vibe
we both know the samurai will lose
all right then keep your secrets
Rimuru in the Multiverse of Madness
Just don't ask me about my waifu.
Lost Judgment
The water that make the frog gays
I miscalculated
General Robert E. Lee arriving at the Gettysburg battlefield, 1863.
Thank you stoicism
Bro you've been at it for an eternity
Fact: This pupper did an iconic photoshoot for the 'Nevermind' album cover . He never sued Nirvana and is the goodest of bois.
B.urgers D.rinks S.alsa M.usic
my disappointment is immeasurable and my gpa is ruined
Yuri what a siscon you are
An excellent plan.
that's what you get
The city of Detroit is repossessed after filing bankruptcy, 2013.
He finally 1 upped her
Big fücking oof
I received my portrait as a gift from the artsy student in my grade 6 class.
D(e)ad joke
It was a great assignment
Totally a long title guys
The most unrealistic part of Space Jam was that Michael Jordan lived in this house.
Mao Zedong's 5-year plan comes to fruition in 1962
You get it?
Weird recipe
they are free
Spongebob on a new Adventure
Bon appetit.
This looks fun, said no child ever!
Realistic artwork
Time to split! up
There's no such thing as a perfectly flood proof structu--
peta classic
Daily Machikado Mazoku #35 Shamiko's special move
when the boomer is sus
Here's the deal: You know, uh, kh-, p-.. Putin!
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 659 ✓
Bros being honest since the early 1900s
Nothing shocks me anymore
First aid ⛑️
Nothing like putting up a watermelon jack-o-lantern to celebrate summer!
Sigmund Freud at 13 years old, 1869
Fbi vs. Cia
Everyone has their way of having fun
Years of training and resaearch just to have your posts immediately discarded
Francis Galton runs his first marketing campaign after coining the term ‘Eugenics’. Circa 1884
Benito Mussolini - Executed by firing squad, 1945
The American revolution wasn't that simple
We're superior
The message on this Biffs truck which services porta-potties. Very gross weight.
The sheer force of will, resisting temptation in a love hotel
oh no
people getting upset over same sex kiss in "Lightyear" - Meanwhile in the 1950s.
I feel like I'm not alone in this boat. Am I? Hope not...
I am at a loss for words
Now we know….
We don't need new numbers..
we don't talk about that
thank you Pixar, I love it
Owning cat in a nutshell
What would we do without them
Christian history anyone?
Gotta do it then
But, what will this mean for the economy?
Anya Forger defeats Madara Uchiha
Should’ve done it when I told you…
360p master race
“Vive le Québec LIBRE!”
We’re coming for you New York!
Yep, thats him
Thanks son