This lady was pretty upset once she finally passed me.

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Especially if it ended with a cliffhanger
japanese "writing"
An internship session in Clinton's Whitehouse. 2000 AD.
Raid? Oh no!
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 672 ✓
Poky stick go brrr
Talks to animals.
-. .. --. --. . .-. ... / - --- -. --. ..- . / -- -.-- / .- -. ..- ...
good to know
You thought I would lose ?
My father with his high school friend in 1986.
Quality time with the kids
It's honestly the best of both worlds
ahh so that's how it is
Which gang are you in?
It does really happens!
is there some unwritten rule where your not supposed to write badass down, or something?
Being over prepared can be a bad thing
Really colorful
It's so hot outside
Some things don't change that much
The political compass guide to anime incest
That's way too much
It was never the same without him.
True Confederate representation.
I do it, you do it, we all do it
simps on twitch count too
An interesting place for a fire extinguisher
And that Anya, is how I met your mother
bad service
Who else if not the French.
Since we're talking cargo shorts, here's a picture of my dad and me . We did not plan this.
If you insist Albedo
Best boat name ever
Heavy price to be paid
Actually the CIA admitted they did it
Life was simple when the CEO was Perun, tbh
I also like music
I think I was scammed.
Peak of British civlization.
His funeral was in Madrid, Spain where he was given a Nazi funeral which was also attended by his colleagues at Mossad
just take the chill pills
Just a simple misunderstanding
dunno if this was done before+i hate fake pngs
How's the weather over there?
Staph go back
chess 2
It is Wednesday my dudes!
Scientific meme
Is he a simp?
MiyuKING & CHADano
Minions are ***ing TOP
bad game
NOT original
Evil ideas
Ancient device found in the ruins of Pompeii
Donald Trump decides to become a republican and later plans to run for president
Imperialism wasn't invented by the white man yo.
ah yes, the cindart
is Anya wrong?
Official middle-aged dad uniform check-in...
Time flies…
It's free labour!
Saw this guy yelling at cars on the way home.
At the pest control isle in Walmart..
Spotted next to me at a red light.
one to go
or mabye it's the 82th but still
...Is that Jon Luc Picard in that painting?
Official middle aged dad uniform
u can trust me
clown world
Simple and effective…
wall e meme
Threw away an Easter wreath with dyed eggs all over it. Just watched the trashman use it as a hat.
Argentine history is very sad
Jeff Bezos after Islamic Revolution. Circa 1979 AD.
Earlier this year I chaperoned for my daughter’s school dance. Yesterday my wife found this checklist in one of the many random notebooks laying around our house…
Nato bombing go brrrr...
land of the free
Anime lore
Least based Sufraggist