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Actually just a regular armadillo, don't know why it says dildo lol

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I had an interesting start to my day
It’s SCIENCE okay
They hate us
This must be where baby kites come from…
I'm single cuz I'm broke
Genos meets Soldier Boy
don't do it, it's a trap aa
well.... they have an ***.
I distinctly my dad saying "act cool" so I threw my arm up way too high like I didnt have a care in the world. casual as ***.
My friends got this note on their car for parking on the public street
Flat Earthers. Your theories are obsolete.
We Know What You Did Austria... Never Forget
Meme template by my friend
Saw a very relatable meme on ig
The advent of dogfighting, 1916
b l o c c
it was boys fishing trip
Monkey chews
The Glasses Troupe
Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)
Good boy
Saw a very relatable meme in ig
The modern toilet paper is invented
Somebody toucha my spaskhett!
I need answers...
Begone wench, my hands are reserved for Northern Song dynasty ladies
Typical Android thing
Akira Toriyama: Source? I AM the source!
how to troll somebody online
Very mysterious
Reset 100
Funny ideas for your weekend
I know from personal experience
Who is your hero
Proud member of the Woodrow Wilson hate club
Take a second to digest
Baki on Netflix was an... Interesting Anime.
can't it both be love:)
Your sentence is a lifetime of no poutine
Incorrectly Correct
I have evidence of my findings.
Uno reverse card
Egyptians flee from the invading Sea Peoples
Meow Mother***er
A friend send me this cause she's a girl now I have doubt about her existence
Was watching the Tour De France and thought this was funny, sorry if my sense of humour is a bit dry
The last thing a White House photographer sees before being vaporized, circa 2008
Not even talking about www
Was playing Stray and found a meme
Google is useless
No I'm not sorry
Bethesda made a street in real life!
Saw somebody had success with this pick up line, so had to try
the ones who make the legends never get recognized
That's one way to see it.
Just Desserts
I'm such a little trooper
Of course not, kiddo
Order 66 executed
I’ve done it more than once
Remember when the internet was cool?
your mum was a close second
Shut up and write me the prescription
Ronald Reagan introducing his revolutionary economic system: Trickle Down Economics. Circa 1981 AD.
⌎⌈c╹우╹ ⌉⌍
A sacrifice I'm willing to make.
need much more respect
No Way Home was a great DLC!
on ma way to the Holy Land on a Harvey
The unicorn league
Seriously, have anyone seen good guy with a cooler car?
mark is watching
*honk honk*
the future is here old man
I reply back in Sonic speed
I don't get it. I just don't.
Last page of my daughter’s dino book she made for her elementary school assignment.
Boneless Donuts
You’ve heard of the violin, now get ready for the violence
The cause of all my most toxic relationship.
Suddenly I'm not in the mood for cookies
So satisfying..
please don't be mad
My wife tried to take a nice portrait of myself and my 3 week old.
How to easily identify counterfeit 2€
President John F Kennedy proposes the Civil Rights Bill, circa 1963
We make our roads out of cheese apparently
Mine would be cheese