No hate towards Americans, but your shit is kinda whack

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Daga kotowaru!
I’m as confused as he is
Shoutout to one of my best friends getting married this weekend!
Sutherland suggested installing a dictatorship, MacArthur called him a natural-born autocrat.
"What happened to the power of friensship?!"
Strawberry milkshake
A still from The Shawshank Redemption, 1994
Got any blue Powerade?
based abraham lincoln
Why was he blamed?
Now I'm scared of cute looking creatures
when you are explaining to your Chinese friend about the biggest battles of the european middle ages...
Literally my gallery.
2001 was a bad year for drugs
Josef Mengele begins a medical practice under an assumed name
René Descartes you absolute legend
What is the best way to the steal your girlfriend's heart
Hugo Nazi Boss
Saw this hot tub at Walmart, and I instantly thought this would be the only way they fit
A fair trade?
Little known fact about John F. Kennedy’s assassination
It means DANGER
I remember it like it was yesterday
WW2 Axis Navies in Comparison.
Its a bad idea to do those things
Eastern cold weapons are better, change my mind
At you age I was a coal miner and I didn't cry
Free wooden ball!
Go ahead. Do it
This is probably against the rules, but I'm posting it anyway.
Switzerland asserts their neutrality during World War II
My fortune today.
This sign I found in a public restroom
Josephine could walk on water, but only with her hands & not her feet, 22 AD
In Vietnam, the US literally rained shit down on the enemy.
Places I can’t afford in California
Mailman gifted my grandma this, so she wouldn’t get anymore paper cuts.
Of the things I expected to see in Alaska, this was not one of them
America introduces the "Two man rule" to deploy nuclear weapons.
Ah yes, wouldn’t want to be breaking the law.
I was going for Freddy mercury but got called Vinny instead
What Land of Lakes butter rings up as at my local store
The iconic trio then vs now
Forbidden knowledge
This is a legitimate billboard in Milwaukee
Adam Smith introduces his theory on economics
Clean Energy
Joseph Stalin declares the Great Terror, Moscow, 1937
Please let it stop
thats probably what shes talking right
The fight has begun!
Perfectly Justifiable Armor
Programmer socks ready
US government turning the frogs gay
Little based one
My grandma offered me this chocolate. A tulip wasn't the first thing I saw.
Roommate feel asleep trying to cook some pasta, this is what i woke up to
Hillary about to send an email for the first time, 1993
There goes my social credit
Where you in Berlin?
Lawd dem Kangz
The sound of meow
The original hero for the FIFY community.
This would be an improvement
Why bro
imagine the cuddles
thank you RDJ
Source- Trust me bro.
Starting from the 1922 constitution
Just doing the Lords work
The difference is liquor
This is gonna take a while...
think this'll get my point across at the next family dinner.
Just your average week.
And that gentlemen I why we always read the terms and conditions.
Free movie everyone
breaking hart news
Patented Anal Alarm Clock
There goes 20% of male roman population aged from 18 to 50
That camera is everything.
Russians are a special breed
Michigan Tech strikes again!
is it bad?
You’re such a hentai
Irish in the civil war
This guy traumatized the hell out of several generations' childhoods.
Welcome to Costco, I love you
What? I stuck to my word didn't I?
Baby Chad