The United States declaring war on the Japanese empire

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gotta love him
Its been a good summer
Meanwhile in Canada, folks are preparing for a storm in Cape Breton
Why yes, this was very helpful: review for a Ouija board on Amazon
. ‿ .
Girls getting friendzoned in anime be like...
Well that’s ironic
The first ever Myspace bathroom selfie
Everything isn't chrome in the future
dog days
Therapist gonna be needing therapy.
Open your eyes!
Don't forget it
It’s a tough one
TIL. Let the cringe begin.
Bad man
First things first
We need to expose the truth
amogus eyes
Kfc is after me now
who's laughing now Brits
Firefox gang ✊
Cure for polio discovered, 1914
Ah Sh!T here we go again
They forget 1 Millions Indian fighting for racist opium addicted
I’m not lonely at all
IT'S OVER! the Great Waifu War is finally OVER!!!
guys help
First they add mire ads to youtube and now they are trying to kill AdBlockers!
Six year olds are very literal
"We want X back"
No caption necessary.
AW HELL NAH Cheesetoe better stop tat nonsense!!!11!!
90% of people I know don’t even use libraries
Sakura was saving her "1 Shonen Heroine Awesome Moment" Card
You've Heard of Elf on a Shelf. Now Get Ready for..
Ok, who's been dumping hentai in the sea?
Somebody moved the Book of Mormon in the library at my school…
The oldest fossilized human bones are found in Ethiopia
SJWs reacting to current events
Does this count as historical?
big bugs
dachshund strong
Appliance repair shop responds to a bad review
As a South American, i think a lot about this sometimes.
France surprisingly had the strongest tank of the war
Who's gonna end up in a coma tho
the most animeme i've been in a while
Maybe controversial, but surprisingly true!
William Adams, the first Englishman to reach Japan, He spend the rest of his life in his adopted country, and was one of the first English samurai and even was an advisor to the Tokugawa shōgun
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologizes for doing blackface “more times than he can recall.”
I miss diary of a wimpy kid
My mom always said, if it was a snake it would’ve bit you!
Too original
50/50 chance
Riddle me this - if it was so great, why haven’t we been back since, eh?
definitely, nothing happened
I think I moved to the right neighborhood
who feels the same?
Some people conveniently forget their countries involvement and gain from the empire.
truest of chads
Anti Vietnam war protest, 196-nice
Wasn't sure what to put here
4 things
Unknown gods among us
~ara ara shinji kun~
I wish
That guy did not hang about...
POV: Youre the Republic Of Ireland and the allies hear youve just sent your condolences to the Nazi's over the death of Hitler
only the real ones can tell who is who
Yeah! Take that, ***!
At last it has come true
let's go Führer
MK Ultra was a weather balloon
from "woke feminists" to simping
no frogs?
Just pet it
It was a great fight between u guys
Today's the 20th anniversary of Firefox's launch!
It's a virtual battlefield
it's reformation time
Extra points if he's bald
sometimes optics is important for the success of a movement
the power of the sun
Both were infinitely based
DragonMaid sends their regards
Lamp posts in Dublin holding hands