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the advent of agriculture
Jim Henson, the early years. 1984
don't bully my dog please
Our local church be wylin today
and then took some benzos
Please describe why you chose
Tip jar at a local Restaurant
A Victorian swingers' party, before things got spicy. 1869
Emotional blackmail
I am somebody
My childhood is a lie
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
They’re not the same
Matter of perspective
Leonardo da vinci draws Monalisa 2
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 761 ✓
Very economical for the Joules you'll get.
Well played, King Henry VIII
Tbf he hated pretty much everyone
You can like what u like. Just an outside lookers perspective
That was a hit during that time for sure!
P. T. Barnum side show attraction “last days of man” cost of admission was a can of corn 1849
You'd think the Red Scare would do away with the literal communist party.
no pulp gang
More people did the Chika dance than the former two dances combined. Simply the GOAT
It’s a miracle it stayed alive for so long
I love Goodwill
Strict apartment rules
Local official recognizes youth for his prizewinning crop at early 4-H Fair
Alright boys It’s show time
Hmm… which to choose
Don’t worry you can secede from the union any time,
very late bloomer
Bring back Kurdistan
A glimpse of him
Keep getting camera notifications of an intruder in my garden. It’s Bill Bailey
Y'all know they ate people right?
My wife and I both tried to draw a map of the US from memory.
15th Century: The Age of...Splitting the World into two
add some colour
are yalls as stupid as me brehs what ya reckon
Mao is innocent i swear
Went to the doctor's office and asked for the men's washroom key...?
It is a baby.
This is how Spanish works...for a long time
Most oppressed group throughout history
Dyson enters aviation
Daughter picked out masks and weapons to scare Mom when she gets home from work. I love my 6 year old.
1-Weak Reality
Which game is this?
Your everyday WW2 Germany post
Dialects are just beautiful.
Annie Proulx completes her initial draft of Brokeback Mountain; the movie adaptation would go on to win three Oscars
The Red Army was not that Incompetent
Uhm, no.
I accept the alternate ending as true canon.
social distancing is important
Remember 1812?
Cat getting red-pilled
My kid drew a drawing of me eating “chicken wings”.
In 1719, prisoners in Paris were offered freedom if they marry a prostitute and move to Louisiana
Or as they’re also known-Las Malvinas
He then had to rush to the front in a staff car
fun song though
What do you think
he is a human
What were we thinking?
A few simple jazz chords
Two KGB officers stand guard outside of the Lubyanka prison - Moscow, Soviet Union, 1984
Must be nice being with someone
it's not repetitive at all
yes they exist
I want to be a wealthy heir
I’m not saying dudes were much better, just pointing out you don’t become a 3rd century empress being a sweetheart
Found it on my Phone and thought I'd be funny
Took the dogs for a walk yesterday. Can't think of a caption.
Does it almost feel like nothings changed at all
hope bro likes tomatoes
How to politely win the argument
I made ***y wucky
Louisiana in 1718: Swamp
You’ve only had to wait 3 years?
At LeAsT wE hAvE fReE hEaLtHcArE
The Vice President of the Confederacy folks
Funny pain scale
What’s her armor stats?
I swear some of you guys act like you have more to be proud of
Boomer Strikes Back