A new Mexican restaurant opened in the neighbourhood…

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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should have ran
too cool to be eaten
God I love cheese dip
I mean what else am I to do?
Literally me
The birth of Poseidon 1500 BC.
Those yellow ones with the blue caps. They go missing and turn up in the most random spots
Actually they'd probably charge more than 10K to land.
POC can’t be slavers - Hollywood
Congrats, you win again
I mean, i can get used to the design.
I've remember Mario Bros from Xbox
Y’all know you lost right?
You guys know you lost right?
From 1080p to 480p
four characters
There are always two types of people…
Sticker in a port-a-pot on my job-site
Anal only
This is a joke, don't hurt me pls.
Do you yield?
Chris Pratt as Mario
Sorry for the sad post
confused unga bunga Bing
I mean when in rome
We agree
I have a cool dog
It adds +10 comfort
They must feel bad after seeing the signs
bet you can't
I don't think this as cool people think
that's a scientific thing
Remember what they took from us
Confused Peter Parker
Stuck in the headlights
They stand no chance.
and ignored for 11 months
Chrome scary
Imagine owning more than one towel
Guys where Mr. Skeltal?
it's dooting Time
Chris Pratt sucks
I hope she's a real person
Smell gives her away
bullying is no more
So true
I was using the restroom at work when noticed the toilet shape
Lmao ded
Sting like a bee
U w U
Chimkens are OP
Reinvention of tunnels - 1022 AD
Saw the trailer and knew I had to make this
Respect to the OG's
the ultimate transformation
Always use oil
I can’t be the only one to do this
“Hey I have a flash this get everything free coupon”
Spotted at our local market
marvel moment
A Brief History
better strapped than clapped
We're beasts
Spooky Meme #807
Seemed familiar.
Dis is da wæ. Da wæ of da spook.
Can we get much higher?
Lies of the Jedi
An interesting addition
The back of the feet also
January 1, 1900
I bet no one thought of that now did they.
Really, really, low.
Results in a bunch of religious wars in Europe
that’s a 10 on the spooky scale
And 15% is where true despair starts
My anti-virus is 266 months out of date
coming for you next
Presidents serve 2 terms because this is exactly how long Washington could tolerate the job for
lectures you how to make infrastructure,but doesn't use it
4k, whats that?
Where Gen Z humor came from
This is the most gangster shit I’ve ever seen. Our customer put her gold chain on her Life Alert button. She said, “If I’m slippin I better be drippin.”
I hate Nintendo
He knows what he’s doing
Yeah, science b**ch!
It's a me. Mario.
That’s what my kids get for digging their hands too greedily and too deep.
"I'm going to pay you a weregeld to *** off."
This time for Africa! But Look someone is still strong! Ethiopia!
200 year later when other religions preached in Christian lands:
Spooktober is here
You know the drought has been rough when Starbucks is like -
How my brother bags up his trash…
ah yes, democratically elected Communist Catholic Theocracy, who had this on their bingo card?
Cat's name