On this day in 1978, Prince made his television debut on American Bandstand

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Time 4 Round 2
What did they expect would happen?
Sad Viking noises
Ronald Reagan eating a flag during his second term
Daily Machikado Mazoku #144 Certainly not me
Do you hear the voices too?
Ey Peter, nice spot!
Source: it was revealed to me in a dream
mmmm, piss
Bismark was lame
we need to warn hank
Man, I hope this doesn't get misinterpreted...
l o s s
New domain’s the cure
As a POC myself, I find arguments of that White People never faced oppression is absolutely asinine.
Speed really determines all! This is China!
And I’m not even British
Geriatric shit
Democratic People's Republic of China
Eyes in anime are so realistic tho
At least this kind of toilet makes you bond even more
Cheese is life.
Guys don't even try it
At least every name begins and ends with the same letter.
My friend’s cat is definitely not happy with this shining dog’s visit
These gender reveal parties are getting out of hand.
Didn’t know whether to post here or increasingly verbose
laughs in lizard
It's Monday ain't it :(
Come on, we can all cite our sources here, take your time.
Echidna is great
Part of the family
it all just goddamn depends
Through rainbows and shit
Confess !
good guy mazda owner helping the local wildlife
Gumball still has more depth than any modern adult cartoon
sodomites ruin another movie !
all religions are literally hitler
Imma head out..
This is what's keeping our society intact
Walter is still the coolest of them tho
I did it, I beat rule 12
Many will play, few will win
Nice knowin y’all
Turns out that war ruins good people fighting against bad institutions, huh, who would’ve thought.
OC, My nephew is learning how to read and write. He can write part of his name
Team Tom
But if it was the other way around,we would never hear the end of it.
John Rockefeller paying his most senior factory worker his 5¢ weekly pay
I still know how to man this turret!
that about explains it
Cant even tell it's Chris Pratt
Did I hit gold or what?
Today, we mourn a friend
What would he be listening to? :thinking:
what a wuss
Hans Niemann cheating at chess - North American Youth Championship
You can kill only one
Don't be stupid
I’m glad I clicked on this random product
I Feel Like They Sell Weed
The real heroes…
cyberbullying is fun when done right
Public annoucement
They belong to the trash !
Why are the art styles completely different?
Made Armored Crocs for my Nazgûl costume.
Battle of the street libraries
Tsk tsk tsk. Decisions…..decisions…..
My kind of fetish
This meme brought to you by Society™
Dubai porta potty meme
he's back and he's here to stay!
Liminal space posting for Scry
You could say he was a... Scooby Snack
I reject your reality...
Hubby warned me this would happen, and pre-baby me did not believe him. Now he laughs in my face over how head-over-heels I am over our son...
really, where the *** is he
Who will complete the set?
Why my pp hard?
What you do??