maybe it's an intentional strategy to avoid/deflect criticism

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for me it goes {6≤x≤10}
Ataturk did a lot of good things, but good lord did he also do some awful shit
can't wait tbh
Spoiler Alert: It did
Well that's unexpectedly strong cliffhanger
Liz Truss vs Lettuce
Yesss save the turtles
That’s like telling you “okay shut up”
Chaotic good? Good evil?
How could anyone compete?
This is why I failed chemistry
Last Time I take my car to Taco Bell!
How to surrender
I’d pay to see this.
After this travesty Rotten Tomatoes means nothing!
How my 6 year old daughter locked her diary...
Just don’t…
Amongst other things
At home..
Irritable based syndrome
the 4th comment gets tons of awards
Ice to meet you
UK cabinet members formulating their post-Brexit economic strategy
In 1962, an Italian magazine published a story previewing what the world could look like in 2022
Stark difference
Somebody needs a geography lesson...
Please come back, King.
Hitler vs. Stalin, by History IQ
One shot fired and everyone important dies.
This Makeup Style Makes Me Physically Uncomfortable LOL
how do you like my new comic :D
Google it, its true
The Spiciest Take
The most scariest ghost of them all
And they sent a man to outer space!
* frantically pulls down hoodie*
Now that's what I call good news.
Monkey's Paw
Explanation in comment
Empirical gfs are not so good
1v1 me bro!
I mean... Makes sense
we are ALL broken
Too bad I'm not that kinda guy
I'm booked!
chitychity bang bang
is comfy's depressionposting over yet? I found his source
Man _______ ?
Isn’t that the obvious choice
well it is what it is
Well, they did something at least
If you get this we can be friends
It's Peanutting Time
Complaining I did in Europe
I think this might just be the best test ever.
I Choose Quality Over Quantity !
netflix did that person dirty
my wife had my hang this up in our bathroom and didn't get why I was laughing the whole time
Promoted to captain you can now sink with the ship
Get to know them
A rare picture of American-Mexican War, 1846
go on
Not too hard
Not so "smart" afterall
another Wikipedia rabbit hole you don't want to get into
Lord knows Shapiro does
Know thy place.
Sherman’s were only good cause they were fast to produce
Seriously guys, stop talking about it and itll go away
The Coelacanth, a living fossil
Please tell me when my pork loin expires?
Do you like your chicken wet or dry?
Up high with the lord, and I mean high
Took a bit to find
The US doesn't count
Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, John Henry >>>>
We can agree both losses were great tragedies, and both had their importance in human knowledge
Sino-Roman relations, circa 120AD
When my parents go out of town:
Based on data collected from male history majors
The last uncut loaf of bread following the invention of sliced bread.
Vietnam veterans are one of the least respected groups of veterans by the public and government
Final Sieg Heil
New photo of Kanye just dropped.
Worst they can say is no
that haircut is on fire tho, just like her entire body.
Kills my interest every time